Kerry has gone "positive" again with his new ad....
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Tue Jun-01-04 03:23 PM
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Kerry has gone "positive" again with his new ad.... |
A warm, feel good ad. He refuses to get down into the muck with Bush. Is he making a mistake? It seems to me he has a very good grasp of where he is at the moment and how much time is left in the campaign and he is running it like the marathon it is...Is this the year that people turn off to "negative" ads? If so, Bush is bankrupt.
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Tue Jun-01-04 03:25 PM
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1. Since the facts themselves are biased against Bush |
So long as the press isn't wholly in a supine posture, it's a workable strategy in theory. Is it the smartest thing he could be doing? I have no idea. :)
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Tue Jun-01-04 03:30 PM
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2. I live in a battaleground state |
and Kerry's bio ads were a stunning contrast to the steady drumbeat of nasty negativity from the Bush junta. Since the nasty ads haven't been either increasing Bush support or decreasing Kerry suppost, I doubt if 5 more months of negativity will do much besides make people angry at the advertiser.
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Tue Jun-01-04 03:32 PM
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3. people have to see Kerry in a non negative way at first |
remember, many people don't know kerry outside of the primary. so he has to introduce himself. if he goes negative without them knowing anything else about him they will just see him in negative terms and anytime he attacks bush they will just see it as how he is rather than actually consider the criticism he makes.
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Tue Jun-01-04 03:36 PM
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I think the positive vs negative ads may turn into a campaign issue.
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Tue Jun-01-04 03:35 PM
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4. He's Seizing The Advantage |
by taking it to VA!!! Staying positive is the way to go!
By the time Nov. rolls around, people are going to be so tired of all of the Bush's hackneyed negativity they will reflexively puke at the mention of his name and crawl over each other to vote for Kerry!
Walt Starr
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Tue Jun-01-04 03:36 PM
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5. I think Bush is the most negative ad for Bush there is! |
Why waste money making a negative even more negative?
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Tue Jun-01-04 03:59 PM
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7. Senator Kerry has run a smart campaign so far |
Bush wants Senator Kerry to go negative. Bush should be running on his record and instead is running against Senator Kerry's record. That has to hurt with the voters. Senator Kerry should continue with mostly positive adds for now.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:26 PM
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