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Why isn't anyone pointing out how Bush refused to fund $87 billion

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noahmijo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 05:51 PM
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Why isn't anyone pointing out how Bush refused to fund $87 billion
Then has the gall to order his shills and his people to paint Kerry as the one who refused to support the troops?

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration threatened for the first time Tuesday to veto an $87 billion package for Iraq and Afghanistan if Congress converts any Iraqi rebuilding money into loans.

White House officials issued the warning even though many lawmakers agree that the bill's final version is likely to bow to President Bush and omit any loans. By underscoring Bush's opposition to loans, the administration threat could make it easier for congressional Republican leaders to nail down enough votes to help the president prevail.

Bush and a host of administration officials had repeatedly expressed their opposition to loans in recent weeks, but had not issued a veto threat before. A letter written Tuesday reiterated White House arguments, but contained the first such veto warning.

Ohhh what's this? Bush putting tax cuts over supporting a bill he claims is to help the troops? the same bill his people and the rest of the loose mouthed freepers are foaming at Kerry for allegedly not supporting the bill?

Who's wearing the flip flops now?
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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 06:11 PM
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1. Great point - deserves a letter to the editor - thanks
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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 06:11 PM
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2. Good way of looking at it. Hadn't thought of it before. Made sure that
there were no loans, just outright money from the American taxpayer. And whatever other stupid country decided to chip in. Wonder how they've done on donations from everyone, if they got the money.

I understand that the United States bombed the hell out of the place, but only certain persons in the United States are responsible. I don't think we should all have to pay for other people's insanity. The American taxpayer needs to hand bush* & Co. a bill for all the damage they've done. AND DON'T TAKE NO CHECKS....
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noahmijo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-01-04 06:15 PM
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3. I can't wait for the reaction from bush cheerleaders
When they read this on their own site hehe...
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