Edited on Tue Jun-01-04 10:48 PM by Valerie5555
11, 2001 that may not exactly be the worst thing:
(1) Something unique may have been taken away from the flights of an airplane crazy kid who was flying for the first time around in the sense that things like the little ritual of inviting people to check out the flight deck is history, along with the practice of flight attendants giving out "junior aviator" kits that included things liks some sort of airline wings, to kids.
(2) Many an American schoolkid in 2001, had a first day of classes (for I suspected that THAT DAY, was probably the first day back in classes after summer vacation in the States), that was no doubt interesting for all the wrong reasons.
(3) On edit, Need I mention restrictions on the number of carry on bags a person could bring, especially if they were traveling with kids of a certain age and younger. (Though maybe that was a pre September 11 safety thing, I don't know. :shrug:)