I believe bush signed a presidential finding authorizing the contravention of the Geneva Conventions sometime in October, after receiving the Gonzales memos. I don't see his underlings wanting to take the fall without a piece of paper to "immunize" them from possible charges. These guys are the epitome of "protect your ass or PYA" believers and as such, I firmly believe, would have some kind of "protection" such as a signed presidential finding.
Here is a clip from Section 413b of the US Code:
(a) Presidential findings
The President may not authorize the conduct of a covert action by
departments, agencies, or entities of the United States Government
unless the President determines such an action is necessary to
support identifiable foreign policy objectives of the United States
and is important to the national security of the United States,
which determination shall be set forth in a finding that shall meet
each of the following conditions:
(1) Each finding shall be in writing, unless immediate action
by the United States is required and time does not permit the
preparation of a written finding, in which case a written record
of the President's decision shall be contemporaneously made and
shall be reduced to a written finding as soon as possible but in
no event more than 48 hours after the decision is made.
(2) Except as permitted by paragraph (1), a finding may not
authorize or sanction a covert action, or any aspect of any such
action, which already has occurred.
(3) Each finding shall specify each department, agency, or
entity of the United States Government authorized to fund or
otherwise participate in any significant way in such action. Any
employee, contractor, or contract agent of a department, agency,
or entity of the United States Government other than the Central
Intelligence Agency directed to participate in any way in a
covert action shall be subject either to the policies and
regulations of the Central Intelligence Agency, or to written
policies or regulations adopted by such department, agency, or
entity, to govern such participation.
(4) Each finding shall specify whether it is contemplated that
any third party which is not an element of, or a contractor or
contract agent of, the United States Government, or is not
otherwise subject to United States Government policies and
regulations, will be used to fund or otherwise participate in any
significant way in the covert action concerned, or be used to
undertake the covert action concerned on behalf of the United
(5) A finding may not authorize any action that would violate
the Constitution or any statute of the United States.
Here is a link to the Section:
http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/casecode/uscodes/50/chapters/15/subchapters/iii/sections/section_413b.htmlThis relates to intelligence, contractors, etc. which is what the bush admin has said was the reason to exclude the prisoners (detainees) from the Geneva Convention.