Item 15: The 2000 GOP platform promised to punish countries that sponsor terrorism
will isolate, pressure, and punish the state sponsors of terrorism."
Update: July 29, 2003, CBS News: "Bush Won't Reveal Saudi 9/11 Info"
"President Bush refused on Tuesday to release a congressional report alleging possible links between Saudi Arabian officials and the Sept. 11 hijackers. . . Sources tell CBS the redacted section lays out a money trail between Saudi Arabia and supporters of al Qaeda. . ."
Update: April 22, 2004, Newsday: "Open 28 secret pages on Saudis"
"The president has refused congressional pleas to declassify a chapter ‘suggesting specific sources of foreign support for some of the September 11 hijackers while they were in the United States.’ The specific source of foreign support by all accounts is the Saudi government. . . At the moment, federal investigators are probing Riggs Bank an esteemed Washington institution that was, until last month, chief banker for the Embassy of Saudi Arabia.. ."
Item 16: The 2000 GOP platform criticized nation building
"A humanitarian intervention in Somalia was escalated thoughtlessly into nation-building at the cost of the lives of courageous Americans."
Update: Aug. 15, 2003, The Boston Globe, "America’s Worst Side in Iraq."
"In the 2000 presidential debates, Bush said he would stop 'extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions.' Bush is now so obsessed with nation-building that he is blind to how killings of Iraqi civilians by US soldiers devalue Iraqis even as he claims to liberate them."