I was at a trade show in Madison Wisconsin with my hard-core Repub boss and a couple of other members of the sales staff. After we set up our display we went out for dinner, beer and pool. While we were shooting pool the subject of the impending war in Iraq came up. I told my boss I was absolutely furious that we would probably invade Iraq. When he asked why, I told him it was because Bush hadn't finished his vegetables yet!
He was a little bit stunned. And, because he already knew I was a bit crazy, I'm sure he thought I was off my rocker. One of the other salesmen said he didn't understand and asked me to explain....swallowing the bait.
I told them this: "Look. Bush wanted to get rid of Al Queda, right? But the Taliban was protecting them, right? So naturally, the only way to root out Al Queda was to attack Afghanistan. But there was this problem. Afghanistan is geographically a tough, tough country. Taliban and Al Queda troops have lots of places to hide, so it wasn't a slam dunk....the troops went to ground and to this day we're trying to find them. We haven't. We haven't finished the job. We haven't done the tough, hard work to eliminate both the fighters and conditions that let them flourish. We had the "ice cream first: That is, we had the fancy, gee-whiz weapons but now we had to do the tough work, or, eat our vegetables, by taking on nation-building and stabilizing the place.
Bush, I said, wants more ice cream and he hasn't finished his vegetables yet. That's what Iraq is to him. It's his ice cream. He loves that crap! But he's like a spoiled kid and wants the good stuff but doesn't eat what's good for him.
My Boss said, "You're nuts!...and it's your time to buy a round."
Little did he know it went on my expense account.
Today. It sounds like Bush is trying for more ice cream.