Perhaps this NAVARRETTE fellow is known to many, since he has hit pay dirt as a scarce Latino columnist in the mainstream of opinionasts. Basically, he is another product of Affirmative Action who turns against AA and his siblings within his minority home group. (The examples grow that while we Dems nurtured and protect AA, the brand name schools who take our AA students are a Trojan horse of FAKE “critical thinking”, spewing out graduates ready to attack (Athens, not Troy)---but that’s another topic.)
Let it be said that no matter what the issue of the day, beginning with AA itself, Mr NAVARRETTE finds weasel words to demonstrate “independence” for himself, meaning that he invariably comes down on the wingnut side, and the more Shrub the better for him.
Back during the Texas primary of 2002, he wormed his way into advocating that the Dem Party should support the quixotic Victor MORALES out of “loyalty” to him, and ditch any chance to win with Ron KIRK. (After losing the primary, this MORALES, like the other one Dan, refused to endorse the Dem nominee; while Dan surpassed even that and endorsed the Repuke and then betook himself to prison.)
The first link is just background, about his travails at Harvard and being accepted back by the Latinos he left behind. The second is today’s offending column, with rebuttals after that:
******QUOTE***** in an elite environment: the detached, analytical perspective of the academic both empowers the minority student and distances him from his family and community (an idea that one wishes Navarrette would discuss more thoroughly). .... As a Mexican-American native of California, I never thought I'd be reacting with such ambivalence to the possibility that the state might elect its first Latino governor in modern times.
Of course, nor did I ever imagine that I'd be coming to the defense of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Wrong on both counts. While I can't seem to get too worked up over the idea of a Gov. Cruz Bustamante, neither can I get the smile off my face at the mere thought of a Gov. Schwarzenegger. ....
1) First the KELLER Doctrine, that there might be a superior candidate (GORE), but the twit (Shrub) is not boring. Just substitute the Dem names in CA for GORE and Ahhhnuld for Shrub.
2) Note the twisted rhetorical device: He says BUSTAMANTE “dutifully insists” opposition to the recall, but has “declared his candidacy” and is out to “persuade” voters to see him as an alternative to *DAVIS*. No, NAVARRETTE, he’s an alternative to the other candidates IF there is a recall.
3) He’s not “excited” about “Cruz” on the grounds of having known him for 10 years and not being impressed with his leadership. He then lists BUSTAMANTE’s resume, who worked himself up from aide to legislator to speaker to LT Gov----but this is not seen to be an accomplishment, unlike, say, stripping nude and bombasting words written by others. Instead, BUSTAMANTE’s experience is interpreted to be just partisan hack stuff and aimed always at “political calculation”-----why would somebody engaged in professional politics be doing that?
4) Like Tweety MATTHEWS, this maverick NAVARRETTE, while pretending to “independence” actually always comes down on the side, not of the underdogs, but of the most powerful, the most “instant recognition”, and the most “substantial resources” alternative available.
5) NAVARRETTE criticizes the DEMOCRATIC PARTY and the “national media” for the “rude reception” they gave him for UNFAIRLY “pummeling” on the grounds of Ahhhnuld’s “being reluctant to answer questions.” NAVARRETTE says Ahhnuld should NOT have to give us a clue about his ideology, which just might give his enemies “ammunition.” Oh. But somebody help me, anybody, why should the Democratic Party be welcoming Ahhnuld or anybody advocating the recall?--please 'splain.
6) And finally, NAVARRETTE returns to the criteria in place since 2000 for choosing candidates: Do not, he says, go by such trivialities as qualifications, experience, policy positions. No. What we should go by is EXCITEMENT and “his story”.