says "US SOLDIERS GO TO JAIL - CACI torturers GO FREE"...on I-66 in Arlington VA....very very close to the pentagon....
there was also a PROTEST at Ballston Metro Stop today, near the CACI Corporated headquarters....
A defence contractor supplying civilian interrogators to the US military at the scandal-ridden Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq is a subject of five different government investigations, the company president said today.
Most of the investigations centre on whether it was proper for Arlington, Virginia-based CACI to provide interrogators to the US Army under a contract with the Department of the Interior that was originally designed for information technology services.
CACI President and Chief Executive J.P. London told Wall Street analysts that the company is co-operating fully with the investigations. The company has also been doing its own investigation.
Earlier this week, the interior department blocked the Army from ordering new services from CACI under the contract while it is being reviewed. CACI interrogators now working in Iraq are permitted to continue their work.
CACI is investigating the conduct of its interrogators, but Mr London said “we believe people are innocent until proven guilty”. Stefanowicz’s lawyer has also proclaimed his client’s innocence.
Mr London said he did not believe any of the investigations would result in a serious punishment for CACI, whose shares dropped 10% in trading this afternoon.