In time for the D-Day anniversary.
Considering his inability to refrain from comparing every WWII milestone with his misadventures in Iraq, what're the odds that as he scans the memorial beaches, he says something like: "Much like the sands at the gates of Baghdad....."
Will someone please tell this embarrassing, wanna be war hero, that there are TWO fundamental differences between Iraq and WWII:
1. We didn't start WWII
2. We had a plan to end it
OH WAIT....The French are doing just that !,14058,1229277,00.html excerpt:
French officials fear George Bush will inflame anti-American sentiment in France this weekend by linking the D-Day landings with the invasion of Iraq.
Advisers close to Jacques Chirac have let it be known that any reference to Iraq during the 60th anniversary of the Allied invasion of France on Sunday would be ill-advised and unwelcome.
Laurent Fabius, head of Mr Chirac's governing UMP party, said of Mr Bush: "He represents the exact opposite of everything we admire about America."