Honestly! You'd think we are pratically catatonic, peeing on ourselves, and rocking back and forth wildly. It's gotta take more than this to scare us, fellow FReepers. Think about all the trials and tribulations we've endured. And we're gonna fold like cheap cardtables just because W. has contacted an outside attorney?? C'mon. Let's just stop. And think this through logically. And calmly
I don't blame him for getting advice from an attorney. With the HATE BUSH CROWD I wouldn't put anything passed them. We know that President Bush didn't leak anything because he hates leaks.
In addition to the Plame leak, there is also the Chalabi affair, which I think is extremely weird and still a huge mystery. That worries me more than this; something very weird was going on around Chalabi. Either someone in the DOD or State was feeding him secrets, or elements in the CIA are trying to undermine Bush, or . . . ?
"I seriously doubt that Bush himself leaked anything to Novak. " Me neither....not to be mean to Dubya, but I don't think they let him make phone calls to the press very often.
"We're doomed. DOOMED!!" DOOMED!
WOW, what if this were actually true. What if it is? What do you make of it? Since we know President Bush didn't do anything wrong, it can't be bad in and of itself. So what's with the "WOW"?
This makes me VERY nervous. Why do I get the sinking feeling something big is going down?? Time for some Pepto. Take a chill pill please .. this is nothing .. just the liberals over reacting
I don't get it. Wilson is rabidly anti-Bush. This makes everything he does very suspect to begin with. He claimed to have "investigated" the yellowcake report in Africa when he actually did no such thing, according to the Africans themselves. He said his wife's identity was leaked when half of social Washington already knew exactly who she was. Why the investigation? Where's the scandal? I am amazed after 8 years of legitimate abuse of power, obstruction of justice and scandals, that the press is consumed with (1) Panties on Iraqi heads as "torture", and (2) The non-Leak of an Overt Covert Agent.