This is from last year...but what FUN !!! Gotta hand it to the British..They know how to get a demonstration going...
I wonder if there is a plan afoot for something like this in the US.. Chasing Bush
When George W. Bush invited himself to London for the grand honour of a state visit, it soon became clear that cheering crowds would be hard to come by. In fact, it looked like every man and his dog-on-a-string wanted to boo and hiss as he went by. In the run-up to the visit, several proposed events were cancelled. He didn't even dare to address the House of Commons for fear of being confronted as he was in Australia.
In reaction to our misgivings about censorship via crowd control (see: Free Speech Zones) the UK government took the position that we will not be forcibly kept at bay during his visit to the United Kingdom. However, the itinerary was deliberately vague. Planned movements that we did know about were sure to be changed at the last minute to keep us away from the action. There was also talk of shutting down whole streets (no doubt for 'security reasons') to shuttle Bush from place to place without confrontation.
To combat this, we set up a special online diary, manned (and moderated) around the clock throughout the visit, and asked members of the public to text or email us with sightings or intelligence (or sightings of intelligence). In response, Scotland Yard leaked the possibility that individual transmitter stations might have to be closed down when Bush passed by to prevent people in the area making calls or sending texts. The public and the mobile phone companies themselves told them to get stuffed.
End result? Bush spent most of his London visit cooped up inside or in helicopters and only dared to drive about 4 miles in his bullet-proof limousine. In the end he got his Free Speech Zone, but it had to be set up in far-off Sedgefield, where they locked away protestors on the village green and bussed in some happy people.