in Normandy on PBS last night? . . . fascinating show . . . Walter and Ike went back, first to England and then to Normandy, and Eisenhower told the story of what happened on D-Day and during the days leading up to it . . . the program was filmed in 1964, a mere 20 years after the event, and it was amazing to hear the guy who planned the whole thing talk about the thinking behind it, what their expectations and fears were, and how the success of the mission rested entirely on the shoulders of American GIs and their British and Canadian brothers . . .
what really struck me, though, was the difference between a leader like Eisenhower and someone like Bush . . . Ike took full responsibility for the invasion, and even had a letter prepared in case they failed in which he said the fault was his, and his alone . . . and you could tell from his conversation how deeply he felt for the thousands who lost their lives . . . he may have been a mediocre president, but Eisenhower was a true leader . . . George Bush (either of them) couldn't shine his shoes . . . I don't know what's happened in this country, but true leaders are few and far between these days . . .