Asked how big a role the American administration had in forming the government and selecting the prime minister and president, Brahimi reminded reporters that American Ambassador L. Paul Bremer runs things in Iraq.
"Bremer is the dictator of Iraq," he said. "He has the money. He has the signature."
He later added: "I will not say who was my first choice, and who was not my first choice ... I will remind you that the Americans are governing this country."
Sadoun al Dulame, the head of a Baghdad research organization and polling center, said he spoke with Brahimi last week and that the diplomat was discouraged.
"He was very disappointed, very frustrated," al Dulame said. "I asked him why he didn't say that publicly (and) he said, `I am the U.N. envoy to Iraq, how can I admit to failure?'"
I love how these PNAC folks handle stuff!