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Cost of * tax cuts

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rhino47 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 08:58 AM
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Cost of * tax cuts
heres a good op/ed piece on *s tax cuts.

According to estimates by the nonpartisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the Office of Management and Budget guidelines translate into inflation-adjusted reductions in 2006 alone of about $925 million for Head Start and childhood education. That would come at a time when schools are already struggling to meet the demands of Mr. Bush's No Child Left Behind initiative without adequate resources. College financial aid, mainly Pell Grants, would take a $550 million hit

The same projections show that veterans' medical care would be cut by $1.5 billion (after a planned $380 million cut in 2005). All told, under the proposed cuts, total funds for these and other affected programs — like environmental protection, housing programs and nutrition aid for poor pregnant women and children — would be $21 billion less in 2006 than today. By 2009, domestic discretionary spending, not counting homeland security, would be $45 billion below its current level and would be a smaller portion of the economy than it has been at any time since 1963.

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AP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 09:21 AM
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1. How much is Bush's Iraq slush fund (just from most recent check Congress..
...cut him)?

5 billion out of 95 billion dollar budget?

That's going to last about 6 months, right?

What a waste of fucking money (I'm going to start writing like an Enron energy trader).

Aunt Millie is going to be pissed.
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Festivito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 11:58 AM
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2. Piddly millions. Try looking at the billions lost.
Yes, Bush has raided as much as he could -- million here and millions there. But, the millions here and there are nothing compared to the billions and trillions national debt rise under total Republican control.

For every DOLLAR we sent to Feds each year, Republicans borrowed and spent and ADDITIONAL 25 cents. That's a 25% tax increase where all we hear about is 1% or 3% tax decrease.

The RepubliCON tax decrease is fool fodder for the RepubliCONNED made up by the RepubliCONNING.

Worse is that we have no surplusses in sight for more than a dozen years meaning the 25% tax increase will really be a 150% tax increase transferring money from taxpaying middle class to bond buying wealthy class.

This article is a bandaid to comfort RepubliCONNED beliefs in a "left-wing press."
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