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What were they saying about Buzzy Krongard on CNN this morning?

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Sufi Marmot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 02:18 PM
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What were they saying about Buzzy Krongard on CNN this morning?
Edited on Thu Jun-03-04 02:43 PM by Sufi Marmot
In the report about Tenet's resignation they mentioned that John McLaughlin would become the new CIA Director, but they also mentioned Buzzy Krongard's name in a context I didn't quite catch - the gist of which was that he would also be playing some role in CIA administration. The talking head was nattering on that he had a business background and a black belt in karate, but I didn't catch exactly what role he would be playing.


On Edit: By "this morning" I mean ~10:30 AM Pacific time...
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htuttle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 02:21 PM
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1. Buzzy Krongard's name came up?
He was a Chairman at A.B. Brown, the investment bank that placed most of those put options on the airlines before 9/11, wasn't he?
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Sufi Marmot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 02:41 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Yes, unless I was hallucinating...
That's why I posted, I was surprised nobody else had mentioned it, as I know he has an interesting history...

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SoCalDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 02:52 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. Don't you love the names??

Just oozes dignity..
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plurality Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 02:22 PM
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2. don't know
but I do know that I've heard that name in connection with Deutche Bank and the 9/11 put options. Google fans, get to work.
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loftycity Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 02:50 PM
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4. Mike Ruppert has some detail on Buzzy in From the
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Gloria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 02:54 PM
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6. Howard Fineman told Franken today that he thought Porter Goss
would be named as the permanent head of the CIA...former CIA himself, and "well-liked" in Congress.
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Sufi Marmot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 03:16 PM
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7. Kick...
Someone else must have seen the same report I did...

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Sufi Marmot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 04:39 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. Kick...
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Sufi Marmot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 06:02 PM
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9. To answer my own question...
CNN's Kyra Phillips interviewing Ron Kessler:
Entire transcript

PHILLIPS: Ron, real quickly, before we go, I've asked you is this going to be a man that is going to be hard to replace. And you did remind me, a good point to make with regard to daily business, "Buzzy" Kraft.

KESSLER: Yes, the real person who keeps the trains running on time at the CIA is the executive director, A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard, who's a very colorful character. He's a former head of an investigation banking firm. He didn't need a job. He had about $80 million. And he's also a black belt in karate. He's the guy who's going to keep it going. John McLaughlin is more of an analyst. He's going to be taking over from
Tenet. But very respected analyst. But in terms of the day to day operation, "Buzzy" Krongard is their secret weapon.

PHILLIPS: Ron Kessler, always good insight. Thanks so very much.

KESSLER: Thank you.

Not entirely coherent and not a lot of context from the rest of the interview. :shrug:

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stickdog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 09:16 PM
Response to Reply #9
11. Buzzy Buzz
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buycitgo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 10:28 PM
Response to Reply #9
18. I saw some of that......Kessler is a DICK!
bootlicking junta shill

don't believe a word he says
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DeepModem Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 08:59 PM
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10. 9/11 "put options"?
Krongard is still a player??? Anybody have the info re. speculation re. Krongard, Deutsch Bank, and the 9/11 "put options"?
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stickdog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 09:44 PM
Response to Original message
12. More Buzzy Buzz

A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard, the CIA's executive director, told a group of Washington investment advisors in October that the Bush administration had "showered" the CIA with cash and power. "Today, there is only one rule, and that is, there are no rules," he said.
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stickdog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 09:47 PM
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13. Still More on Buzzy's 9/11 Put-On


The evidence linking Deutschebank to the terrorists and insider trading is clearly quite extraordinary: 1) The lead hijacker pilot and two accomplices had bank accounts at its Hamburg branch, 2) One of its unnamed private investors never claimed $2.5 million in United Airlines put option contract profits following the attacks, 3) Its global "private banking" chief Mayo Shattuck III, resigned the day following the attacks in the middle of a three-year $40 million contract, 4) It hired away SEC enforcement and investigation chief Richard Walker just 20 days after the attacks, 5) Its recent senior investment banker Kevin Ingram pled guilty to money laundering involving Stinger missiles and multiple varieties of arms sales to Pakistani and Egyptian citizens just 14 days prior to Sept.11, and 6) Deutschebank was heavily involved in the 9/11 insider trading but Congress has not questioned former Alex (A.B.) Brown division head A. B. "Buzzy" Krongard -- appointed by George Bush as Executive Director (number three) of the CIA -- regarding intelligence and "real-time" stock trade monitoring.

European reporters found that most of the suspicious pre-attack trades passed through Deutschebank and especially via CIA Executive Director A.B. Krongard's former Alex Brown investment division by means of a procedure called portage, which assures the anonymity of individuals making the transactions. But Congress has not publicly revealed whether they will call Krongard and other Alex Brown traders to testify in open hearings, or whether they will subpoena the pre-attack documents in question., an online site for corporate executives, revealed on 1-28-2002 that Deutschebank was a limited partner in either the controversial Enron special purpose entities (SPEs), LJM or Chewco -- those off balance sheets and off-shore products heavily involved in Enron's demise, and run by Enron CFO Andrew Fastow. This begs the question as to whether Congress or the Courts will determine whether missing funds from Enron were possibly part of a scheme to develop funds to profit from the air attacks -- given the many interwoven ties between Enron and Deutschebank. also revealed that a former Enron employee prepared an SEC filing, having deleted Deutschebank's name from LJM version sent to the SEC. But curiously, "that deletion was made at the behest of William McLucas, former SEC enforcement director, hired by Enron after the attacks on October 31. The former employee also claims to have received instructions to destroy the draft of the SEC filing. But not a public word from Congress.
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stickdog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 09:50 PM
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14. Techno-Buzzy : In-Q-Tel, Buzzy's CIA VC brainchild
Edited on Thu Jun-03-04 09:52 PM by stickdog


CIA searching out technologies to boost national security

By Matt Marshall

Mercury News

The Central Intelligence Agency has come to stay in an area near you.

In 1999, the CIA opened up a venture capital firm, In-Q-Tel, on Sand Hill Road -- the heart of Silicon Valley's venture capital community. It was supposed to be a five-year experiment into the risky business of funding start-ups and a way to acquire commercially viable technologies that enhance national security at the same time. Since Sept. 11, though, In-Q-Tel has acted more like a permanent resident. ``It's no longer an experiment,'' says In-Q-Tel Chief Executive Gilman Louie.

There's a new urgency within the CIA to find technology that makes sense of all the unstructured data floating around on the Internet and elsewhere. The agency can't train analysts quickly enough. ``Government agencies are scrambling . . . We're in a state of hyperactivity,'' he says.

Over the past year, Louie has emerged as a kind of valley kingmaker. In-Q-Tel has the goods. It offers something to start-ups that few others do these days: a steady source of contracts, solid financial backing and the chance to ally with other In-Q-Tel portfolio companies. Half of the 10 tech companies that went public this year had major government contracts, Louie notes. In return for help, Louie wants the valley to help him. After becoming CIA director in 1997, George Tenet said the CIA needs ``to swim in the valley.''

In fact, it's been easier than Louie thought. He isn't even pounding the pavement. Rather, big-name venture capitalists like John Doerr at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers are coming to him. In-Q-Tel ``is like a baby with a beard,'' A.B. Buzzy Krongard, executive director of the CIA, told Government Executive magazine earlier this year. ``Everyone is rushing to see it.''
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stickdog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 09:59 PM
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15. Buzzy's full WP profile¬Found=true

Central Intelligence Agency Director George J. Tenet announced the appointment, saying he treasures Krongard's "wise counsel and 'no-nonsense' business-like views."

Krongard, 64, former head of Alex. Brown & Co., an investment bank based in Baltimore, joined the agency three years ago as a counselor to Tenet. He switched careers shortly after helping engineer the $2.5 billion merger of Alex. Brown and Bankers Trust New York Corp., gaining $71 million in Bankers Trust stock. A graduate of Princeton and the University of Maryland Law School, Krongard has a fondness for extreme military-style activities. Even as a banking executive, he trained with police SWAT teams for recreation and worked out with a kung fu master.


But Krongard exhibited the requisite secretiveness when asked to explain his interest in intelligence and how he came to land a job in Tenet's inner circle. If you go back to the CIA's origins during World War II in the Office of Strategic Services, he explained, "the whole OSS was really nothing but Wall Street bankers and lawyers."

Given the CIA's insular nature, outsiders who assume top posts often arouse suspicion. That was certainly true in the case of Nora Slatkin, a Capitol Hill staffer and Pentagon official who served as executive director from 1995 to 1996 under then-CIA Director John M. Deutch. One former agency official said yesterday that he found it "absolutely astounding" that Tenet installed Krongard in such an important job. "When you meet him, he tells you to punch him in the stomach to see how tough he is," the former official said.
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stickdog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 10:04 PM
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16. Buzzy's CIA reorganization

The new management structure, announced last week by CIA Director George J. Tenet and Executive Director A.B. Krongard, divides the directorate of administration into five separate areas: information technology, finance, security, global support and human resources.

Employees in the directorate of administration should not worry about their jobs, said CIA spokeswoman Anya Guilsher. “Basically, we are redirecting resources to support our primary missions, which are clandestine collection, all-source analysis and the exploitation and development of technology,” said Guilsher.

“I would not be here today announcing these changes if I did not believe fervently that CIA will even be better off in a profound way,” said Tenet during last week’s announcement of the reorganization.

Krongard, who came to the CIA in 1998 from the private sector and became executive director of the agency in March, recommended the reorganization after conducting a review of the agency, said Guilsher. “The director asked Mr. Krongard to look at the organization of the agency overall, provide an assessment, and suggest any changes,” Guilsher said. She said the realignment is designed to better help the CIA tackle intelligence challenges.
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lostnfound Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 10:28 PM
Response to Reply #16
19. Names of key appointees during Buzzy's CIA reorganization
from Washington Post article (Research project, anyone??)

• Directorate of Operations: James Pavitt, deputy director; Hugh Turner, associate deputy director; Barry Royden, associate deputy director/counterintelligence; and Pat Hanback, associate deputy director/resources, plans and policy.

• Directorate of Intelligence: Winston Wiley, deputy director; and Jami Miscik, associate deputy director.

• Directorate of Science & Technology: Joanne Isham, deputy director; and Jim Runyan, associate deputy director.

• Finance: Mary Corrado, chief financial officer; and Cindy Bower, deputy CFO.

• Information Technology: Alan Wade, chief information officer; and Doug Naquin, deputy CIO.

• Security: Bob McCants, chief; and John Turnicky and Jeannette Moore, deputies.

• Global Support: David Larsen, chief; and Tony King, deputy.

• Human Resources: Marty Petersen, chief; and Mike Mears and Joan Biehler, deputies.

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stickdog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 10:13 PM
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17. Buzzy & Bin Laden

It turns out that the investment bank used to place "put options" on United Airlines stock was managed until 1998 by "Buzzy" Krongard. Currently executive director of the CIA, Krongard helmed the Alex Brown bank when it was acquired by Banker's Trust in 1997. Accused of laundering drug-money, Banker's Trust was then absorbed into Deutsche Bank. Europe's biggest blockbuster bank next made the news by being named the hub of insider trades involving the insurance company Munich Re. European regulators are now examining unusually heavy trades in Munich Re, Swiss Re, Cigna and Axa of France. Each of these underwriters was exposed to heavy losses from the destruction of the Trade Center. Like Alex Brown, Axa and Cigna insurers have close links to the international drug trade and its handmaiden, the CIA.

Osama bin Laden's family banks at Deutsche Bank. On Sept. 15, as German investigators probed Deutsche Bank's short-selling of sensitive Sept. 11 stocks, Alex Brown head Mayo Shattuck abruptly resigned.

So did Lt-Gen. Mahmud Ahmad. Instead of being tried by an American military tribunal, the ISI director-general quietly left his post as head of Pakistan intelligence at the insistence of US authorities, after FBI agents recorded Mahmud's cell phone calls ordering a sheikh to wire $100,000 to Sept. 11 ringleader Mohamed Atta.
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