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A grunt's eye view of war

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kalian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 05:36 PM
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A grunt's eye view of war

“Some have more, some have less,” shrugged 21-year-old Specialist Michael Auton of Lenore, N.C.

“When I got here I found out that pulling the trigger wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be,” Auton said. All except the first one.

“It was wow, I just killed a man,” he said. “You start thinking he coulda been a guy just protecting his family. But then you think, OK, he’s running around out here with an AK-47 shooting at us — then you just get over it. Move on."


These "articles" being spit out by MSNBC are complete :puke:
So, they're now writing about grunts that are not having ANY issues
shooting people. Its amazing... :eyes:
Doesn't this POS grunt not THINK as to WHY that "man running around
with an AK-47" is shooting at him...? :mad: Doesn't it cross his
feeble and gullible mind that what he is doing is WRONG?

This country has no hope...sorry...but it doesn't.
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Bandit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 06:01 PM
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1. Granted he did volunteer but still he didn't ask to be where he is.
When someone is shooting at you you shoot back plain and simple. He is there because he was ordered there. He doesn't make policy and doesn't understand all the intricacies that go into making policy. He just follows orders. Shooting back at people who are shooting at him doesn't bother me, it is the pillaging and raping that I despise. When they are ordered to go into a person's home to look for weapons or suspects it doesn't give them license to rob the place and that is what has been occurring by all accounts. That is what we need to hold the troops accountable for not defending themselves.
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