"Christopher Scheer, Robert Scheer, and Lakshmi Chaudhry have documented the depth of deception of all the president's henchmen who misled America into war against Iraq. This book will become the required text for the coming wave of campus teach-ins and mass protests over U.S. policy in Iraq. The authors have written the truth, and the truth sets us free to reclaim our nation."–U.S. Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich
http://www.alternet.org/fivelies/The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq, by Christopher Scheer, Lakshmi Chaudhry and Robert Scheer, is an insightful and incisive primer exposing the bullying and mendacious misinformation campaign George Bush's White House used to secure the support of Congress, the media and a majority of Americans for a preemptive invasion and occupation of Iraq.
From the enormous bait-and-switch operation that, within hours after the collapse of the World Trade Center, tried to link Al Qaeda with Saddam Hussein, to the clumsy attempts by the U.S. military to pacify, reconstruct and democratize a complex Muslim nation on the other side of the world, this important book razes the house of cards upon which our foreign policy has been built since 9/11.