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6/11 will not be a terrorist day

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donhakman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 07:40 PM
Original message
6/11 will not be a terrorist day
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MrMonk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 07:51 PM
Response to Original message
1. about that first link . . .
Evidence of the imminent end of the world:

Here is an interesting article I pulled just a few days ago. These fireballs have increased significantly over the last several weeks and are happening EVERYWHERE.

Fireball Near Grover´s Mill, N.J.

Startled New Jersey residents tied-up the phone lines late this evening calling authorities to report a large orange fireball that passed over the town and apparently hit the ground several miles west of Grover´s MIll. No reports of fires or injuries from the area have been made, but locals expressed concern that the unknown phenomena had made a rumbling noise when it passed over that was strong enough to rattle windows and frighten pets.

"I thought a jet was coming down right in the street," said Betty Ocker, a housewife in Grover´s Mill, "it was loud, and I mean really loud."

Police have asked residents to clear up the telephone lines and use them only for emergency purposes until things get worked out, said a town spokesperson. Apparently the local districts received so many calls after the meteor passed overhead that the lines jammed and they have been unable to handle normal calls for police assistance.

Local fire teams were dispatched to the woods west of town to make sure that no fires were started by the space rock, but none of them have reported finding anything as yet.

Does that excerpt seem familiar to anyone else here?
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Tandalayo_Scheisskopf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 07:55 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Sure does.
But there is no shortage of ninnies who won't recognize it.
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crossroads Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 08:27 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Hmmm
Strange thing, a few months back I read about there being a large number of comets about to hit the globe and the elite are preparing for it by going undergound. I dismissed it, but it is still disturbing in light of this new info.
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shanti Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 02:41 PM
Response to Reply #3
19. well, cheney
was furiously building his underground bunker a while ago...:tinfoilhat:

who knows? i'm sure they wouldn't tell US about anything horrific coming up if they knew in advance.
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genius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 12:23 AM
Response to Reply #1
12. War of the Worlds - good movie and very effective radio show.
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genius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 12:24 AM
Response to Reply #12
13. ID4 was a high tech version of War of the Worlds.
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maggrwaggr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 01:26 AM
Response to Reply #1
15. "Betty Ocker"? "Grover's Mill"?
Yeah right.

And I'm Grandpa Jones.
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kalian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 09:41 PM
Response to Original message
4. LOL....
Edited on Thu Jun-03-04 10:21 PM by kalian
By the way, here are the days and the events which are supposed to happen on them:
On edit:
June 8-9 Dust Cloud begins to reach the Earth and darkening of the skies. ---> Not too far off...we'll see what happens, eh?
June 18-20 1st impact
June 24-25 2nd impact
June 27-28 3rd impact of the "anomaly"


These people should not even be allowed to be on the Internet....
On edit: you actually think that Tenet knows something? While we're
at it, why don't we think that Karen Hughes also knew something, etc
etc. This is all Internet bullshit people...100% prime USDA bullshit.
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andino Donating Member (668 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 10:00 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. I just want to add to the insanity :)
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Suspicious Donating Member (780 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 10:12 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. I'm no expert, and I hope someone
will correct me if I'm wrong, but meteorites are not exactly uncommon.

2. How frequently do fireballs occur?

Several thousand meteors of fireball magnitude occur in the Earth's atmosphere each day. The vast majority of these, however, occur over the oceans and uninhabited regions, and a good many are masked by daylight. Those that occur at night also stand little chance of being detected due to the relatively low numbers of persons out to notice them.

Additionally, the brighter the fireball, the more rare is the event. As a general thumbrule, there are only about 1/3 as many fireballs present for each successively brighter magnitude class, following an exponential decrease. Experienced observers can expect to see only about 1 fireball of magnitude -6 or better for every 200 hours of meteor observing, while a fireball of magnitude -4 can be expected about once every 20 hours or so.


The brighter fireballs (with accompanying sound) seem to be more rare, but not what anyone seems to consider a cause for alarm. :shrug:
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Minstrel Boy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 10:05 PM
Response to Original message
6. Here's an mp3 someone uploaded of the notorious "snowball" intercept,
which supposedly was picked up some months ago on shortwave. An automated comm check, counting down to "impact" which I think works out to June 18, and the voice responding that the frequency is not secure, and the noise of a data stream.

I make no claims for it. We'll know soon enough if it's just a hoax:
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kalian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 10:20 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. Could have been anybody....
most of these conspiracy buffs create their own illusion that
"something" is about to happen. :eyes:
Seriously, why would the government transmit "in the clear"...?
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libhill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 11:09 PM
Response to Reply #8
10. well, people can
make mistakes- we`re all washed up, it`s over, we`re doomed- it`s Planet X , coming soon to a theatre near you.
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Suspicious Donating Member (780 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-03-04 10:56 PM
Response to Reply #6
9. I'm sure others have done this,
but I was curious about the "Planet X" part of it, and I ran across this:

I'd never heard of "Planet X" before, to be honest, but according to the person who put this site up, these people were predicting an earth-destroying collision with "Planet X" in 2003.

I'm leaning toward hoax.
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SoCalProgressive Donating Member (150 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 12:19 AM
Response to Reply #9
11. Of course it's a hoax
Edited on Fri Jun-04-04 12:21 AM by SoCalProgressive
If there was a 'Planet X', or even much smaller comets/asteroids that could cause an ELE, it/they would have been visible long ago. Every amateur astronomer worth a damn would be seeing whatever it is that's driving the elite underground.

Unless the 'whatever it is that will supposedly kill us all in the next two weeks' is currently traveling at the speed of light. In which case we wouldn't be able to see it.

on edit: forgot a word
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donhakman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 12:25 AM
Response to Reply #9
14. The only planet X might be a porn flick
The 6-11 rumor began a year ago since a six is an upsidedown 9.

As for cosmic impacts, it was only 3 months ago that the Earth missed a collision by only 50,000 miles. Tsunami's or the destruction of a city the size of London could have ensued.

It is true we are going through a very active phase of both Earth crossing asteroids, comets and extra solar bodies that dwell in the region of the Milky Way that the sun is now impinging upon. Not everything in our galaxy orbits at the same rate.

It is more likely the people alive today will see a huge climate change than a catastrophic impact.

I have of course seen meteors but I did once see a fireball in broad daylight (90 minutes prior to sunset) that traveled low to the horizon with enormous flames. It took nearly a minute for it to fade from view. It was awesome.

Since Comet Schumacher-Levy struck Jupiter there is no doubt that these occurences are ubiquitous.
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crossroads Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 02:05 PM
Response to Reply #6
16. Another link to the wierdness...
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napi21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 02:29 PM
Response to Original message
17. This guy is a nut! I heard about the end of the world in class
when I was a little kid. Guess what? The teaching does say the earth will end in a fire of destruction, BUT it also teaches NO ONE will know the hour or the minute! There will be many of those who predict but they will be wrong! There will be no warning, so be prepared!

The whole point is to tell people to always remain good, fair, and ready....NOT, when you wee a dust cloud, clean up your act!

This guy is yet another nut case. Don't waste the web space or your time on this stuff.
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donhakman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 02:36 PM
Response to Reply #17
18. What guy?
As for me I have only exposed a rumor mill re: 6-11.
Some of it started in Ausralia, of all places.
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napi21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 03:06 PM
Response to Reply #18
20. What guy? Aussie Bloke, the one you linked to.
Sorry if you thought I meant you. I'm talking about all the nuts like this Aussie Bloke who keep promoting this stuff. It's always great to promote fear. If you can get a lot of people to believe you, (as W seems to be trying), you've wone them!
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Suspicious Donating Member (780 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 03:46 PM
Response to Reply #20
21. :) Update:
I was asking someone I work with today how many times he had heard the "Cataclysmic Event" or "End of the World" story over the course of his lifetime, and I pointed him to Rense to see the "Aussie Bloke" story, and this is what I found:


"Your unwitting participation in BLIND SKIES has proven most informative, and quite frankly entertaining to many project members. To say that it got out of hand would be an exercise in understatement...

...To be honest, we have no knowledge of the validity and/or credibility of the so-called SNOWBALL INTERCEPT. We have no affiliation with it whatsoever. We only used its existence to further our agenda. That current world events have proceeded in such a way as to lend perceived credibility to our fiction is by no means our fault. Many of you fail to appreciate the power of coincidence. While we had anticipated that at least some activity in current events would affect the outcome of the project, we never expected nor modelled the possibility of so many "dots", as some of you have called them, coming together around our story."

Now, if we could just get Paula Zahn and the rest of them to 'fess up to their fearmongering and disinformation, everyone would be happy. :)
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Minstrel Boy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 09:27 PM
Response to Original message
22. Legit story from last August: "Space dust heading towards earth"
A cosmic dust storm is heading for the Earth, scientists said today.

Stardust from deep space is penetrating the Sun’s magnetic field, which normally acts as a barrier keeping most of it out.

Although the dust is unlikely to have a direct effect on Earth, it is expected to chip larger particles off asteroids, say the researchers.


It may also raise the number of random meteors that can be seen from Earth streaking across the sky.

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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 09:29 PM
Response to Reply #22
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