the antidote to the Catholic heirarchy. There have been several threads about the hypocritical Catholic heirarchy as of late, and to more than some extent, they have been deserved. Who is Father Schmidt? He was the parish priest of Laramie Wyoming. In the Laramie Project he is extensively interviewed. There are many things the Catholic faith allows one to say about homosexuals. Love the sin and hate the sinner leaves alot of wiggle room. He could have been like the Baptist minister who "hope Matthew repented and reflected on his sinful lifestyle". But instead he held a candlelight vigil for Matthew and said that everytime a gay man is called a fag or a lesbian is called a dyke it is violence.
My point is that we often forget that the Catholic faith and many Catholic priests far from being the problem are part of the solution. It may strike some of the younger posters as odd but the national organization of Catholic bishops used to be one of the stronger critics of Ronald Reagan. Under the leadership of Bishop Mahony, who was the Bishop of the Youngstown Ohio dioces, routinely excoriated the President for his heartless policies.
The Catholic faith isn't the problem. The current Catholic heirarchy is. We shouldn't forget that. People like Roger Schmidt remind us of that.