I think he showed signs of lying last time I watched him. See for yourself.
http://www.expertmagazine.com/artman/publish/printer_294.shtmlNONVERBAL DECEPTION CUES
Liars have longer pauses, shorter answers and longer times between a question and a response than someone who is merely nervous. It makes sense that liars need time to create the lie; recalling the truth takes less time.
You might also check to see where their eyes go after you ask the question. People tend to look up to the right to visualize or create a new response or down to the right to create the sounds of a new response. We recall information that occurred in the past by looking up to the left or down to the left. Spot a liar by listening for pauses and right eye movement.
When people lie spontaneously, they tend to spend more time gesturing with hands and using adapters, such as scratching the body or playing with a pen than someone who is just nervous. If this gesturing seems excessive, and especially if it is combined with other cues of deception, you can bet on lying. On the other hand, the rehearsed or practiced liar, will try to control gestures.
Be careful of pursing or licking your lips. ...Tight lips indicate you may be planning to keep the truth in....To spot a liar, look for unusual movement of the mouth, lips or tongue. Don’t look like a liar; don’t lick or purse your lips and keep yourself hydrated with plenty of water.