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The possibilities of a Bush Ace before the election...

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FDRrocks Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 12:22 AM
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The possibilities of a Bush Ace before the election...
Edited on Fri Jun-04-04 12:24 AM by FDRrocks
I see much talk on here about the possibility of a terrorist attack on America prior to the election, which, obviously, would be timed rather conspicuously timed. All that I have seen suggests that the 9/11 attacks on our country were allowed to happen as a means to the end of starting a war with Iraq. A war planned well in advance (very badly planned, btw) by the Bush cabinet,

I have seen many examples drawn b/t 9/11 and the Reichstag firw (fueled by Gestapo and lit by a dumb Communist at the urging of the Gestapo).

So I wonder if, since history tends to follow a general trend, that we might not experience another terrorist attack, but that a relatively safe (for Bush) attempt on the Residents life might take place, ala the 1940 Beer Hall Putsch memorial (shortly after the collapse of Poland and in the brief interludw of possible peace in the west) in which Hitler and his entourage left extremely early (compared to early years, where they hung around and celebrated) and a pillar directly behind the speakers (Hitlers) podium exploded.

It seems to me that something like this would be alot simpler to orchestrate, seeing as Bush seems relatively calm given his low approval rating, and he and his horrid party have shown time and time again that they will sink to new depths to achieve thier ends.
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shraby Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 12:31 AM
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1. Sounds reasonable
but if they plan this the way they plan anything else, Bush will be toast. LOL
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