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BBV: Invisible Ballots - New Video Documentary

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althecat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 06:17 AM
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BBV: Invisible Ballots - New Video Documentary

Press Release: For immediate use. May 2004, Thousand Oaks, California, (805) 497-0685
Will your November vote count if the black box
eats it and there is no paper record to back it up?

A Temptation for Electronic Vote Fraud

NEW video documentary!
For a preview, visit

If you think that the Florida voting fiasco was bad you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. Does the proverbial “black box” (read: touch-screen voting machine) really eliminate confusion, provide efficiency and accuracy or jeopardize the sanctity of the voting process? As Governments are installing new computerized voting systems by the thousands, with no paper record to verify accuracy, would a voter paper receipt be sufficient for a possible recount? Is offering paper receipts a ploy to make voters think that manufacturers are solving the problem when, in fact, they are not?

These and many more questions are answered by a distinguished group of experts who appear in an in-depth expose of electronic voting titled: “Invisible Ballots A Temptation for Electronic Vote Fraud”.

In this just released new documentary, Dr. David Dill, Professor of Computer Science at Stanford, Dr. Rebecca Mercuri, Research Fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Bev Harris, independent investigator and author of Black Box Voting, Dr. Avi Rubin, Technical Director of the Information Security Institute at Johns Hopkins, and Kim Alexander, Founder of the California Voter Foundation get together to discuss the little ”black box” and open our eyes to the possibility that private companies, not allowing voters to inspect their software, will control elections. Voting is coming under the control of private corporations using proprietary software with little or no independent oversight. It is a shocking discovery that these companies and the people who run them are rife with corruption and insider alliances. Mysterious election upsets are increasing, and verified recounts are impossible.

Invisible Ballots, Directed by Academy Award nominated filmmaker William Gazecki and released by American Media, casts serious doubt upon the integrity of the November 2004 elections – and beyond. If we are to preserve representative government, the public must learn the facts revealed in this documentary and take action quickly!

CONTACT INFORMATION: Experts who appear in this program may be contacted through the Executive Producer, G. Edward Griffin, at or (805) 497-0685.


Just passing this newz on..

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Trajan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 07:30 AM
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1. One drip joins another .... then another ....
forming a small puddle, which streams like a rivulet, joining other streams, growing into a raging river ...

Here comes the Flood ....

THANKS for this Althecat : GREAT find ....
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RedEagle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 12:15 PM
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2. Kick
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Bushfire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 03:17 PM
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3. Saturday afternoon kick
:kick: another purchase for my local library...
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