tenet gave the message to his good friends and fellow spooks to take care of this for him...and spooks do know how to get the job done...bush* made a HUGE mistake in this entire matter, and he will pay for it....the CIA will take down bush*'s whole criminal cabal...because just like nixon collapsed over a petty third-rate break-in (where nothing of monetary value was even stolen)....bush* and his criminal enterprise is about to learn that the CIA knows a whole lot more about CRIMES than bush* does...as Hunter Thompson wrote several years ago: in DC, they're going to beat bush badly, like beating a rat in a wastebasket with a broom....
note the message from tenet to his GOOD FRIENDS....and they will get the job done, and bush* won't even know who did it and where it came from, but they will destroy bush* pResidency...
Tenet Remarks to CIA Colleagues
Thursday, June 3, 2004; 1:54 PM
The following is a transcript of remarks by CIA Director George J. Tenet to employees and members of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The text was released by the CIA.
1. these guys will be getting the job done. "I want to thank Mike Hayden, and Jim Clapper, Jake Jacoby, Pete Teets, John Russack and Tom Fingar for their friendship and support."
2. tenet is worried about threats to his family"And while Washington and the media will put many different faces on the decision it was a personal decision and had only one basis in fact the well being of my wonderful family. Nothing more and nothing less."
3. tenet will be protecting his son "Anyway, the point is, John Michael is going to be a senior next year. I'm going to be a senior with him in high school.
We're going to go to class together"
4. tenet will continue to work with his friends to assure the job gets done...."The most difficult part of this decision was knowing that I would not be here with you every day in our offices, the cafeteria, conference rooms or the gym but I do hope I have earned a lifetime membership."