I bet the demonstrators got sent to a "free speech zone".China Snuffs Out Protest on Tiananmen AnniversaryFri Jun 4, 2004 06:35 AM ET
By John Ruwitch
BEIJING (Reuters) - With cordons, vans and plainclothes police, China snuffed out dissent on the 15th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown on Friday, worried that even a minor protest could threaten the Communist Party.
The prosperity brought by three decades of economic reform has dimmed political discontent and most of the few remaining activists from 1989 are under house arrest to muzzle criticism over those killed in one of the biggest demonstrations against the Communist Party since it took power in 1949.
Police cars criss-crossed the sprawling square and officers were seen shoving two men into the backs of vans and taking aside three photographers for questioning.
At least seven others were taken into police custody or turned away on the fringes of the square.
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