"Former Vice President Al Gore appears in Tacoma tonight as he continues a transition from wooden, scripted, self-parodied presidential candidate to one of the Democratic Party's most opinionated and increasingly popular figures...."
SNIP..." Friends and others who know Gore well say he feels compelled to speak out because of his beliefs. But at the same time, he recognizes the political implications of the role he's playing. He is motivating the Democratic anti-war grass roots, bolstering the case against President Bush in a tone that John Kerry likely couldn't use, and perhaps giving Kerry a nudge to the left at the same time.
"He is free, liberated to speak his mind more candidly since he is not a candidate," said Roy Neel, a former Gore chief of staff, who this year managed Howard Dean's presidential campaign......" (And Neel also helped organize DFA, Democracy for America, Dean's org)
SNIP...."Neel said Gore and Kerry talk regularly. They're friends from their time in the Senate, and the two "got into sync pretty quickly," Neel said, after Dean dropped out of the race and Kerry became the presumptive nominee.
He said Gore's speeches are not coordinated with Kerry, though he expects Gore gives the campaign a heads-up about his appearances...."END SNIPS