From another thread where I posted this and it is worth repeating
The End Game are the last stages when everybody gets to play their absolute last cards. The Radicals know that all their dreams are going up in smoke, literally. The people are not buying the sh*t they are trying to sell. Increasingly we the un-American, liberal loving, and family values hating (I love the propaganda) long haired people are winning the hearts and minds of the rest of the people. Mostly we were right, insofar as the war in Iraq is concerned. Also, the real minority, aka the Right Wing, is loosing the work of a generation, with Bush. So they will play the last cards they have to play. And those cards may be very scary.
As to the civil war, and this is not a popular view. Powell and others have been fighting a holding action to hold them back... from doing things such as invading oh Syria... but now Powell is out of the inner circle... for good reasons if you are Bush. Tennet, with all his faults, was probably on Powell's side, and he was fired, (never mind the official story from the White House) The inner circle is now getting ever more cozy, as the paranoid in Bush trusts less and less people.
Hence we will see more firings (Powell is my favorite candidate but we will see if the old soldier finds a way to hold his fire, keep his job and continue to slow them. As is two weeks ago we got a sneak and peek into it as Powell gave some interviews and got critical in public... and came as close as you can to an apology and not loose his job.
The Profesional civil service people are also trying to stop them. And the military, well just as during the Watergate Crisis, at least a good number are going to defend the Consitution, not the President. So yes there is a civil war going on at the highest levels...and the worst part is, you and I will not truly learn about the full extent, as I suspect this s*it will be classified so deeply that our grand kids will learn the full details.
Oh and the Inteligence Directory is leaving, the top man and the Operations man (Pavitt) are becoming free agents in this mess. Now tennet is too dirty to serve in the war away from Langley, but Pavitt will probably join John Beers in the sniping at the children at 1600 Avenue. Watch for more resignations (chuckle) at very high levels of the CIA, what qualifies as the Intelligence Directorate. You may also see high level Officer Corp resignations, not quite at the level of the Joints Chiefs, but some two stars may just step down.
Now you see what I mean about a civil war at very high levels? Oh and I do write fiction for a living, and I could not come up with this plot and sell it.