The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.
Exodus 15:3
Tragedy abounds in warfare, and it is not surprising that war is a dramatic instructor of humanity. All forms of truism have an opportunity to be fostered within the degradation and cataclysm of war. The need for compassion, the pain of tragedy, the reality and repercussions of our actions, and the stalk of death come into focus for both the vanquished and the victor of war. Tragedies like those found in war have the ability to bring out the best in people and the worst in people. People often forget God during a time of peace, but war often has the ability to momentarily turn hearts toward God.
Individuals who face the horrors of war become either bitter or better; and their relationship to God is often the factor that determines their response to war tragedies. Christ can press brilliant diamonds out of the black coal of our lives using the pressures of life's afflictions. The suffering of an oyster produces prized pearls. Likewise, Christ can turn our travails into pearls of testimonies by His amazing grace.
The Lord uses Aggressive Force
Although the Heavenly Father is loving and patient, He also has a stern hand of judgment. The Lord has extended his mercy to Gentile cities that repented under His prophets warnings but has also rained judgment on those who rebelled against Him. On several occasions, He commanded His people to attack cities and to kill every man, every women, and every child. It was the Lord who personally destroyed the entire populations of Sodom, Gamorrah, and their neighboring cities. The Lord also pronounced death to every firstborn child of Egyptian families who did not listen to Moses' command to put lamb's blood on their house's door frame.
The Lord uses the nations of the world to bring about His final overall will. His prophets wrote about God's use of heathen nations to execute judgment upon His own rebellious people. For example, God used pagan governments to defeat and chastise both the Northern Kingdom, Israel, and the Southern Kingdom, Judah. The Bible’s prophets cannot be read without noticing several of them dealing with the issue of God using wicked nations to execute judgment upon His people.
God uses catastrophic events as tools of instruction. God can use tribulation in the same way a master chess player uses wise moves to bring the other person to the position that the master chess player wants him. We may not understand His moves, but they fit into a scheme that will bring individuals, and ultimately the world, face to face with the Master. The ultimate war, Armaggedon, will result in the heathen world being dealt a checkmate from God.