so many predicted his passing would likely come in the months leading up to the election ... some thought it could be the October Surprise ...
... sure wish we had the Internet network back in 1980 ...
see PNACers in from Reagan's term list below ...
I never liked the man who sold his soul to California Fatcats who pay for his million dollar a month Bel-Air home today ... Nancy should decline any pension and other taxpaid benefits ... she doesn't need them ...
I don't want my former Presidents retiring to lives of corporate sponsorship (I'm avoiding a word sometimes associated with bush-cheney Media lapdogs ...
Ford has hardly come off the golf course since 1977 ... I'm sure his taxpayer paid "Office" in Michigan are unnecessary ... a Ford Library? It paid to be associated with the Warren Commission ... becomes President without being elected ... of course, it pales compared to the 2000 phase of the Coup d'Etat ...
Poppy doesn't needed any post-White House taxpayer support ... he's out enriching himself ...
Jefferson and Lincolm must be rolling over ...
It's my opinion that Neil Bush used the Texas post-Presidential office to establish, maintain and perform business (at our expense) ... Poppy might have used that tab to work on his business deals, Carlye Group ...
these good ol'boys only care about themselves ...
///RR and & have similar mean streaks ... it's that "abuse" discussed in "The Evil of Benality"/// on the DU Homepage ...
Reagan didn't even bother to go to church while lapping up the support from the Robertson-Falwell evil axis ... RR reeled them in with all his fundamentalist right-wing rhetoric, words which didn't materialize in fact ... but, they don't seem to care ... just the fact he used language they wanted to hear is enough for them ... again, the smoke and mirror game while the gouging America went on ... I really thought the RR-Poppy years were the Last Hurrah on the soak up the riches with abandon; and, the tide was turning ... and, would have made great strides with a Gore Presidency ... but, they stole that promise ...
and, this Robertson-Farwell support * despite, im my opinion, his family's attempt to off RR ... strange bedfellows ... strange people ... scary times ... shoot, I used to think that Poppy was a Nelson Rockefeller Republican ... fool me once ...
Reagan had some of the meanest SOBs propping him up: William Casey; Ollie North; Poindexter; Weinberger; Ed Meese (prolly busy recruiting right-wing activist judges; he used to head up the super secretive nearly all white Council for National Policy) ... etc.
PNACers in GovernmentRonald Reagan Administration - aren't some of these people on the Defense Advisory Board, too???
Abrams, Elliot
Asst. Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs
Asst. Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs
Asst. Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
Adelman, Kenneth
Deputy Representative to United Nations, rank of Ambassador
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Director
Allen, Richard V.
Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs
National Security Adviser
Anderson, Martin
Assistant to President for Policy Development
Senior Policy Advisor, Reagan campaign
Bauer, Gary
White House Office of Policy Development
Under Secretary of Education
White House Asst. Director for Legal Policy
Deputy Under Secretary of Education for Planning, Budget, and Evaluation
Bennett, William
National Endowment for the Humanities, Chairman
Secretary of Education
Bergner, Jeffrey
Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Bolton, John
State Department, Justice, and USAID - various staff positions
Carlucci, Frank
Secretary of Defense
National Security Adviser
Cropsey, Seth
Deputy Under Secretary of Navy
Dobriansky, Paula
Deputy Asst. Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
National Security Council Office of European and Soviet Affairs
Friedberg, Aaron
Consultant to National Security Council
Gaffney, Frank
Asst. Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy
Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy (under Richard Perle)
Gerecht, Reuel Marc
Middle East Specialist, CIA
Political Officer, Department of State
Hill, Charles
Director of Israel and Arab-Israeli Affairs (1981)
Deputy Asst. Secretary for Middle East (1982)
Chief of Staff, State Department (1983)
Executive Aide to Secretary of State Charles Schultz (85-89)
Iklé, Fred C.
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Commission on Integrated Long-Term Strategy
Jackson, Bruce
Military Intelligence Officer, Department of Defense
Jacobs, Eli S.
General Advisory Committee, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Joyce, Michael
Presidential Transition Team, 1980
Kagan, Robert
Policy Planning Office, Department of State
Deputy for Policy, State Department Bureau of Inter-American Affairs
Principal speechwriter for Secretary of State George Schultz
Kampelman, Max
Ambassador to Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Chief Negotiator, Nuclear and Space Arms with Soviet Union
Khalilzad, Zalmay
Policy Planning Council, Department of State (under Wolfowitz)
Special Adviser to the Under Secretary of State (support to Afghan freedom fighters)
Kirkpatrick, Jeanne J.
Ambassador to UN
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (85-90)
Defense Policy Review Board (85-93)
Kristol, William
Department of Education under Bill Bennett
Lehman, John F.
Secretary of the Navy
Libby, I. Lewis
Director of Special Projects in State Dept. Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
House Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Industrial Concerns with China
"Cox Committee" Legal Adviser
Perle, Richard
Asst. Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy (81-87)
Pipes, Richard
National Security Council, Staff
Rodman, Peter
State Department Policy Planning Staff, Director
Adviser to Secretary of State George Schultz
Deputy Asst. to President for National Security Affairs (86-87)
Special Asst. to President for National Security Affairs (86-90)
National Security Council (87-90)
Rumsfeld, Donald
Presidential Envoy to Middle East (83-84)
President's General Advisory Committee on Arms Control
Presidential Envoy on Law of the Sea Treaty
Senior Advisor, Panel on Strategic Systems
U.S. Joint Advisory Commission on U.S./Japan Relations
Schmitt, Gary
Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, Executive Director (84-88)
Consultant for Department of Defense
Minority Staff Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Schneider, Jr., William
Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance (82-86)
President's General Advisory Committee on Arms Control and Disarmament, Chairman (87-93)
Shulsky, Abram
Staff, Senate Intelligence Committee
Staff of Asst. Secretary of Defense Richard Perle
Wolfowitz, Paul
U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia (86-89)
Asst. Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs (82-86)
State Department Policy Planning Staff (81-82)
Woolsey, James
Delegate-at-Large, U.S.-Soviet START and Nuclear and Space Arms Talks
Presidential Commission on Strategic Forces
Presidential Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management
Published by the Right Web Program at the Interhemispheric Resource Center (IRC). .
Recommended citation:
IRC Right Web, "PNACers in Ronald Reagan Administration," (Silver City, NM: Interhemispheric Resource Center, February 2004).
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