Makes a good case the Democrats have a lot more room to fight Republicans head on than CNN would suggest. hold dear to their image of rough and tough individualists, ready to meet any challenge at a pin's drop: unless you are Democratic strategists and their ilk. Don't be angry, stay above the fray and don't act like Republicans they wail. They pack together like lemmings ready to pitch them off the Republican fabricated cliff.
Republicans can be an ugly bunch indeed. Brandishing a walrus penis bone, Congressman Don Young embarrassed the late Mollie Beatty (Fish &Wildlife Service Director) during a committee meeting on environmental concerns. Tom Delay, Congressman from Texas fond of D.D.T. and biocides, repeatedly has called the Environmental Protection Agency, "Jack-booted thugs." When questioned about environmental protection, Former Secretary of the Interior James Watt replied, "If the trouble from environmentalists cannot be solved in the jury box or the ballot box, perhaps the cartridge box should be used." Attorney General Ashcroft routinely reminds us good Americans, "you are either with us or against us." Radio pundits like Rush Limbaugh have compared the torture at American run prison camps in Iraq to college guys letting off some steam. Disgusting? Yes. Immoral and vile you ask? Again, yes. But a quick check on the present will indicate that they hold the presidency, hold both houses of Congress and are undermining the democracy we so cherish.
Do we emulate Republicans to retake America? Not for a moment. But, if Democratic apologists, who routinely clamor for holding themselves to a higher ivory tower don't get into the mix, we all stand to lose more than the 2004 election.
President Bill Clinton was and is a brilliant man. Yet as a president, he vacillated as often as the wind blew, relying on "trial balloons" and polls to define and sadly, redefine his positions. President George Bush is an inarticulate and sputtering buffoon yet many Americans see him as consistent about his positions, see him as tough and willing to go down to the wire on his positions. That inspires, that hides his horrible policies, because the average American is not a policy wonk, they let the media frame their beliefs. How else could a president who has engaged in an illegal war, drained our surplus to coddle the super rich and has tarnished American ideals worldwide still be in office? Image often betrays reality. Americans want to be led, even by an imperfect leader. Introduce fear into this equation and sheep-like Democrats who refuse to challenge the president nose to nose: and Americans will choose the perceived lesser of two evils.