I sure hope people like this one. I had fun writing it. It is less historical and more pop-cultural than most of my stuff. Feedback, as always, is appreciated.
Corporatchiks - a horror movie by arendt
The Bush administration looks a lot like the classic scifi horror movie "Alien".
We have a creature of dubious provenance (Bush) allowed into our ship (government), against regulations, due to the intervention of a corporate agent with secret orders (Felonious Five Supreme Court justices).
The creature has a gruesome life cycle: 1) attachment by force (ABF) to the victim; 2) a gestation period (GP) in which the victim is rendered comatose; and 3) an abominable "birth" (B) as the creature consumes its victim from the inside out. This is exactly the life cycle of the destruction of our government agencies by the Bush Cabal.
Here are four examples:
1) Securities and Exchange Commission
ABF: The corporate lawyer, Harvey Pitt, is appointed to regulate the very people he has spent his entire career defending.
GP: The SEC looks the other way while massive fraud occurs.
B: Enron collapses from internal looting, consuming large hunks of capital. Confidence in the honesty of American markets collapses.
2) Department of the Army
ABF: The Enron insider and mastermind of the California Energy Piracy, Thomas White, is appointed Secretary of the Army.
GP: Rules are changed to allow massive privatization of army logistics.
B: Our soldiers in Iraq are dying and suffering due to logistical collapse caused by understaffed, underfunded civilian logistics agencies.
3) Department of Justice
ABF: The screaming fundamentalist, John Ashcroft, is appointed Attorney General. During his confirmation hearing, he promises to uphold the law.
GP: There is a brief period of ludicrousness, including the covering of nude statues. But, behind the scenes, the Patriot Act is being drafted in secrecy.
B: In the aftermath of 911, the Patriot Act is rammed through Congress, and our Bill of Rights is gutted, destroyed. The Democrats cower, and the Separation of Powers collapses to one-party government.
4) Department of Defense
ABF: The PNAC insider, Donald Rumsfeld (The Alien Queen), is appointed Secretary of Defense.
GP: Rumsfeld immediately starts in on his "army of the future", which is based on Special Forces, Special Weapons, and an abandonment of the conventional army. He feuds with all branches of the military. He starts the "Office of Special Plans", his own private "intelligence shop", in spite of having the DIA. The OSP is a nesting place for all the PNAC warmongers.
B: In the aftermath of 911, he immediately attacks Afghanistan. Then he cranks up the OSP propagnda mill to lie his way into an attack on Iraq. These attacks leave the military overstretched, exposed, and in turmoil over bad mission planning, lack of exit strategy, and the deliberate provocation of enemies. The army is now heavily reliant on disgruntled National Guard reservists and shafted enlisted men. It is in no condition to take on more assignments unless a draft can bring in new manpower. In short, the military is on the verge of psychological collapse.
Any amateur xenobiologist can recognize what is going on here. There is this alien species of corporate executives which is implanting itself in positions of power in our government, which they see as nothing more than a food source. Just to have a short handle for them, let's name these corporate suits playing at being GOP Trotskyite party apparatchiks "corporatchiks".
Corporatchiks are alien to government. They are self-funding and destructive. They proliferate at will and gravitate to food sources. We can examine the wreckage of previous crashed spaceships (governmental bodies)infested by these creatures (e.g. the states of Texas and Florida) to understand what will happen to our Federal government if this plague remains uncontrolled.
The latest corporatchik spawn, the Governor of Utah, nominated to be EPA head, fits the pattern exactly. The best anyone can say about him is that he looks for "pragmatic solutions" and "may not" be "completely" in industry's pocket. What a joke! "Pragmatic" is just a codeword for cynical and amoral. That control of the EPA has been coveted by all kinds of extractive industries, polluters, stripminers, and clearcutters is so obvious that the GOP have issued a media plan to "confuse" the public on scientific arguments, which arguments the media plan admits they have lost. But, confusion is the modus operandi for corporatchik ABF.
Meanwhile, the majority of the Democratic party are as clueless as the hapless guy on the ship in Alien, who walks around looking for the cat as the audience screams "forget the cat, you moron!". Those Democrats want to bring the focus back to Head Start, and other warm and fuzzy issues. Those Democrats will be devoured. Then there are the out-and-out corporate agents, like Joe Lieberman and the DLC. They are the slimeballs that opened the door to these corporatchik creatures by caving in during the 2000 Florida election hijacking.
A few Democrats have "Ripley" potential. They understand what they are facing. In this short list are Dean, Kucinich, and perhaps, Kerry. Sharpton gets it, but he is too weak to make a difference. The future of our ship (government) depends on whether these Democrats can dodge the aliens, get to an exoskeleton, and start to kick corporatchik butt.
There is one more analogy to the movie. The aliens have acid blood, which is highly toxic to humans. The corporatchiks have managed to incorporate fundamentalism into their body makeup without being poisoned by its intellectual and social corrosiveness.
It took me a long time to understand exactly what deal has been worked out that turned the corporatchiks and the fundamentalists from enemies to symbiotes. They have come to an agreement on the division of spoils.
The corporatchiks get to loot middle-class America (send the last good jobs overseas, give themselves a huge tax break while bankrupting the government) and set up shop as extra-territorial entities, equally untouchable in any country in the world, including the soon-to-be-third-worldized U.S. of A.
The fundies get to devour the corpse. They get to impose their life-hating, woman hating, book-learning hating, Manichean hell on the human wreckage left in the wake of the corporatchik blood-meal. Its a perfect match - a bunch of necrophiliacs and a fresh corpse.
I'm leaving the theatre now; but I will have trouble sleeping tonight.