go look at this long list --
http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&edition=us&q=layoffhere's just a few
http://www.daily.umn.edu/articles/2003/08/11/6266August 11, 2003
U adjusts to layoff of 500 employees
By Jake Weyer
o Anne Wetherell-Moriarty has a husband and two children. She also has a job as an information technology professional in the human ecology department — at least until the end of August.
Moriarty, who has worked at the University for almost 15 years, is one of almost 500 University employees who have received layoff or nonrenewal notices since Jan. 1, according to a report from the University’s human resources department.
“It’s stressful to see people you’re working with leave and wonder what your future is,” Moriarty said.
http://www.wjactv.com/news/2397708/detail.htmlMore Job Layoff's In The Area
POSTED: 8:29 p.m. EDT August 11, 2003
Dozens of people lost their jobs on Monday. Channel 6 News reported last week that First National Bank of Pennsylvania had plans to cut its staff. On Monday, Channel 6 News learned that over 100 people from different branches were called down to the Human Resources Department at First National; and let go. Some of those employees laid off were from our area.
http://www.eveningsun.com/Stories/0,1413,140~9956~1559781,00.htmlLayoff affects 50 Eisenhart workers
Company official says layoffs common in slow months of July, August.
Evening Sun Reporter
A temporary layoff that began in mid-July has affected about 50 people at Eisenhart Wallcoverings Co. in Hanover, a company spokesman said Thursday morning
http://www.forbes.com/2001/01/30/layoffs.htmlLayoff Tracker Update: July 28, 2003