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Did the right wing whack Reagan?

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Gman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 05:58 PM
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Did the right wing whack Reagan?
Edited on Sat Jun-05-04 06:00 PM by Gman
Into justify their crimeThe rightwing would tell you he was going to go anyway and he was totally out of it . They'll tell you that Reagan would agree that the country is in grave danger (is there any other?) if Kerry gets elected. They would tell you that Reagan would have agreed to sacrificed his self to save his beloved country from the threat of liberalism were he aware how bad off he was. They would also tell you that Reagan would have gladly sacrificed his life to defeat terrorism. The "war on terror", they would argue, is in grave danger if Kerry gets elected and also if the liberals retake Congress.

So they would tell you something had to happen to take the focus off of all the negative things because the liberal press has focused only on the bad. Reagan's death would serve to remind people just how great a country this is and just how wonderful life in this country was before Bill Clinton defiled the Oval Office. They will tell you the country needed to be brought back to its senses.

Reagan getting whacked now serves several purposes: The press will dwell on Reagan now for at least the next 10 days. With all the fallout from so many things, including Tenet resigning, 800+ troops dead over a lie, no WMD's Bush and Cheney retaining private counsel for the Plame investigation, they may well think Reagan's death will be a shot in the arm for the holy religion of conservatism. And, don't forget Bill Clinton's book comes out on June 22 , just about the time the hoopla will die down from Reagan. The right wing may well have whacked Reagan to draw what they think will be a stark comparison between the pure evil of the Big Dog and Reagan who represents all that is good and decent.

And, don't forget a year ago or more we were talking about Reagan dying in '04. In fact, we talked like we were expecting it to happen. Well it did. But did Reagan die of natural causes or was he whacked?
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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 05:59 PM
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1. Locking.
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