Edited on Sat Jun-05-04 08:17 PM by hlthe2b
FOCUS, guys!!! Let the Reaganites have their moment of remembrance. If ABC and NBC's coverage is any indication-- there WILL be some balance (from all but Faux) with his "warts" shown as well as the more positive aspects. For any except the most brainwashed of RWer, the negatives have close comparisons with Bush* policies (e.g., deficits, tax cuts, illegal diversion of money for Iran Contra with lies from the administration, etc., etc). At the same time, the focus on the "GREAT COMMUNICATOR" and Reagan's own perceived importance of same, can only elicit a very unflattering comparison against Bushie*. I've also seen some discussion of the tension between Reagan and Bush I, suggesting the intense dislike apparent to many of us. If this continues to be depicted, it also does not bode well for Bush* among the Reagan faithful.
I truly have mixed feelings about Reagan. I dislike many of his policies and have not forgotten the nasty nasty attitude towards those with AIDS, disabilities, and the impoverished. He must answer to his maker for allowing those policies to be assumed and there were plenty of malicious, ruthless, Delay types in his cabinet. Still having said that I'm not sure I can believe he was truly intentionally evil, self-serving, and totally uncaring-- in the way I can believe is true of BFEE. I also don't think he was unintelligent and he certainly was not inarticulate. The Bushies* on the otherhand.....
Nancy had and has a whole lot more going for her and certainly much more to be admired than Babs or Pickles...She's even stepped forward to stop some of the ridiculous Reagan worship and mass idolatry (e.g., speaking against efforts to bump FDR off the dime)....Her role as Reagan's most trusted advisor may have rankled some, but I think it may well have held some of his more devious staffers in check and the obvious love they had for each other was clearly genuine. Not the kind of pathetic marriage of convenience that clearly marks Bush I and II marriages... From it, came Ron Jr-- a jewel, IMO. Patti seems pretty cool as well.
Let's keep things in perspective.