apparently, some old cud named Reagan (Hitler's Clone). This is beyond pathetic, when one old man trumps the celebration of thousands of old men who gave the ultimate sacrafice to their country, who Reagan and Shrub(Who thinks he is Reagan) couldn't hold a cup of piss next to... It's beyond my words to convey my utter disgust with what I'm seeing. It's not that I hate Reagan....in fact, I don't give a (the same cup of piss) crap about Reagan. I would bet since about 40% of the Americans today don't know that we landed on Normandy to defeat the GERMAN Nazis, that EVEN MORE don't know who the fack Reagan is....yet alone (give a squirt of piss) care, in fact, they are probably angry that they were interrupted by this crud, when they could be watching Reality TV.
The fact that this idolization attempt by the Nazi media to one of Hitler's Clones is unconscionable. It is no different than Shrub trying to compare today's war with WW2.
So the only question left is.....What is more important than 800+ American soliders dying for their country today...?
Apparently....some old man named Shrubya..... and his aircraft stunts....
How history repeats itself......in a dismal cycle of shit.