Edited on Sat Jun-05-04 10:34 PM by louis c
Let's get down to some serious business. Here are some questions I would like to ask Gen. Kimmitt. (1) I thought when we had Falluja surrounded, we were not going to pull out until the people responsible for the murder and mutilation of the four American contract workers were turned over to us? That the residents of that city would also have to give us all the foreign fighters , and turn in all their heavy weapons. By the way, sir, how's that going? (2) I thought that when we entered Najaf, we were not going to pull out until we "disbanded the militias" and either killed or captured the "thug" Sadr. By the way ,sir, how's that going? (3) I seem to remember some story that we were going to "capture " a high value target during our "Spring Offensive" in Afghanistan. As a matter of fact you code named this effort the "hammer and the anvil". By the way sir, how's that going? I also remember you telling us that you would never negotiate with terrorists. If that's so, how did we withdraw in all three cases without reaching a single objective? Talk about flip-flop, you must think we all have Alzheimer's disease, sir.