From Dec 2003 When DU was talking about the flap over replacing Roosevelt with Reagan on the Dime. (Post #33)
Reagan was the worst thing this nation's ever seen. I prefer W any day. ........Reagan brought racism back to the south, he kicked off his campaign in Philadelphia, MS, which at the time was famous only for being the site of the murder of three civil rights workers, he told southerners that they could forget about civil rights and continue to hate.
He escalated tensions with the Soviets, bled them dry in a false arms race until they had no hope of making a smooth transition to capitalism. They were so weak from the start of his campaign that he funneled money to them to prop them up so they could continue to provide us with an enemy.
His bigotry let AIDS develop beyond the point of containment.
He sold weapons to a nation that had declared war on us, then diverted those funds to terrorist organizations in Central America who slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians, including a handful of AMerican priests and nuns. That was treason on both ends of the transaction. And while selling weapons secretely to Iran, he was publicly supplying Iraq with weapons to fight the Iranians, thus he supplied both sides with enough weapons to slaughter each other well beyond the normal economic limits of war. Without him, the world truly would be a kinder, gentler place.
He drove us into the deepest deficit in human history, drove wages down while drivig the top rung of income earners into the economic stratosphere. He cut spending on education, crime, drug prevention, and mental health, creating the education, crime and homeless problem.
And he brought divide and conquer politics to its zenith.
With the way America is going now, take FDR off our money, take Washington and Lincoln and all the rest off our money. We could honor them more by disassociating their memories from the current filth in control. Put on both Bushes, and Reagan, and Arnold, and Ann Coulter. Leave Andrew Jackson on the money, though-- Reagan would have liked his genocidal ass.
Those who are remembering Reagan as not quite as bad as W don't remember Reagan, or weren't paying attention as closely. He was worse. He made W possible, at a time when it looked like conservatives were dead and buried.
Okay, I'll take a breath now.