He's being credited for bringing down communism, largely from his "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down your wall" speech in Berlin. Does anyone believe that this would have happened if you didn't have movers and shakers inside the iron curtain such as Gorbachev, Lech Walesa and Pope John Paul to create the uprising which brought down the Soviet empire?
Reagan is being revered for reducing the size of government. The stats indicate otherwise. Plus, he made runaway deficit spending acceptable and he did sign off on what was then, the largest tax hike in U.S. history. All of this while the Republicans controlled the U.S. Senate for six years while he was in office. So much for Republicans being the party of fiscal responsibility.
He has been called a moral leader. How many people knew that Nancy was 3 months pregnant when she and Ronnie married? And Ronnie was coming off a divorce, to boot. Then, there's Iran-Contra and some other scandals under his watch that he pleaded ignorance on, and the media and general public just seemed to let slide.
He was regarded as strong on defense. Didn't the U.S. Marine compound in Beirut get blown up by terrorists under Reagan's watch, resulting the deaths of several hundred Americans? How do you think the media would have treated this had it happened under Clinton or another Democrat's watch?
Any time I hear someone bitching about the liberal media, I just think back on the Reagan years and the treatment he received despite the fallacies of his administration that I mentioned above.