Va. Lost 19 of it’s 3,200 residents on D-Day.
I understand that the passing of a former President (no matter what you think of him) is a significant event but as I flip around the channels I see almost no mention of THE defining moment in world history as the beginning of the freeing of Europe and stopping the spread of evil began.
WWII was the embodiment of what this nation is all about and probably did more to change this nation and its attitudes about its real self than any other event. White, black, Asian, Native American, those at home (including B-actors staying in Hollywood to make "Health and Hygiene" films) all contributed to the effort. Horrible civil rights abuses were unfortunately a part of this but those may have served as an example of what needed to be changed. Aside from the great sacrifices made by those on the battlefield sacrifices were also made here at home and the realization of what everyone of every description had to offer became clear. A Democratic nation emerging from a flood of peoples and influences banded together with people from every country from which they came to stop tyranny and an attempt at world domination.
We always need to remember this day but TODAY everyone seems to be forgetting it.