Reagan and fire
(753 posts)
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Sun Jun-06-04 12:01 PM
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I live a few miles from the Reagon Ranch, now owned by the New Americans, a Reagon cheer leading group. Almost at the same time of his passing his beloved mountain was hit with a massive wild fire. Fire fighters are desperatly trying to stop the fire as it approaches the Reagon Ranch. My take on Reagon is that he was a hired actor/president and that his simplistic views of all things allowed him to fantasize away any guilt for his adminisrations deplorable acts.
Bob in Santa Barbara
Jim Warren
(1000+ posts)
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Sun Jun-06-04 12:16 PM
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Beautiful country. Too bad it was befouled with such a vile person. 25 years ago I lived on the canyon road a few miles up from Gaviota. It was great there but when he was elected the place became crawling with convoys of Suburbans with full tinted windows patroling the back door to the valley. Not good for gardening.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:26 PM
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