Edited on Sun Jun-06-04 02:50 PM by Beatrix
After giving it some thought perhaps the Texas GOP platform could be used to help democrats to win in Texas. How? Simple. Just show it to people. The republicans have gone off the deep end. At this point they are advocating fringe right positions that even in Texas are probably only shared by 15% of the population at max. Perhaps we could put this together in an information brochure or something and mass mail it to people before the election. (or something of that nature) Would appreciate any feedback on this idea. Here is an article describing the new 2004 platform: http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/politics/2610350"Texas Democratic Chairman Charles Soechting disagreed. He called the platform the "longest political suicide note in modern Texas history." Unfortunately the Texas GOP site is down at the moment. (To respect Reagan apparently... so it may be at least a week) When it comes back hopefully they will have the new platform posted. In any case - it sounds even worse than the last platform from 2002, and apparently some points are mirrored between the two. Oh - and I think the section on AIDS is appropriate for this week. Such compassion. Here is a summary of what is called for in the 2002 platform: "The Republican Party of Texas reaffirms the United States of America is a Christian Nation ..." 1. GOVERNMENT "We reclaim freedom of religious expression in public on government property, and freedom from government interference." Support government display of Ten Commandments. Dispel the "myth" of the separation of church and state. "A strong and vibrant private sector unencumbered by excessive government regulation"
Oppose Campaign Finance Reform
Oppose any form of gun control
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; position of Surgeon General; EPA; Department of Energy; Department of Housing and Urban Development; Department of Education; Department of Commerce and Labor; National Endowment for the Arts
Repeal hate crimes laws.
2. ECONOMY Abolish the dollar in favor of the gold standard. (this is from the 2000 platform here: http://www.rlctx.org/RLCTX/Texas%20Republican%20Party%20Platform%202000.htm)
Abolish the IRS
Eliminate income tax, inheritance tax, gift tax, capital gains, corporate income tax, payroll tax and property tax.
Repeal minimum wage law.
" ... gradually phase out Social Security tax" for a system of "private pensions"
3. UNITED NATIONS " ... we immediately rescind our membership in, as well as all financial and military contributions to the United Nations."
We should " ... evict the United Nations from the United States and eliminate any further participation."
4. FAMILY "We believe that traditional marriage is a legal and moral commitment between a man and a woman. We recognize that the family is the foundational unit of a healthy society and consists of those related by blood, marriage, or adoption. The family is responsible for its own welfare, education, moral training, conduct, and property."
"The practice of sodomy tears at the heart of our society..." "The party opposes decriminalization of sodomy."
Oppose all forms of abortion - even in cases of rape or incest.
"We unequivocally oppose United States Senate ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child."
5. EDUCATION “We call for the abolition of the U.S. Department of Education and the prohibition of the transfer of any of its functions to any other federal agency.”
Support official prayer in public schools
Oppose Early Childhood Development Programs
"We support ... a program based upon biblical principles..."
Terminate bilingual education
"Since Secular Humanism is recognized by the United States Supreme Court as a religion ... Secular Humanism should be subjected to the same state and federal laws as any other recognized religions."
6. THE ENVIRONMENT Oppose the "myth" of global warming
Reaffirm "the belief in the fundamental right of an individual to use property without governmental interference"
Oppose EPA management of Texas air quality
7. THE MIDDLE EAST " ... Jerusalem is the capital of Israel ... " therefore, the United States should move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Here are full takes from the 22 page platform (and I'm sure I've missed other good sections): (http://www.texasgop.org/library/RPTPlatform2002.pdf)
Support of Platform – Any person filing as a Republican candidate for a public or Party office shall be provided a current copy of the Party platform at the time of filing. The candidate shall be asked to read and initial each page of the platform and sign a statement affirming he/she has read the entire platform. The individual accepting the signed statement shall review the initialed platform and maintain a list of those who have complied with this request. This will become effective in the 2002 election. We strongly encourage Republican candidates, officeholders, and Party officials to support the Republican Party Platform and fellow Republican candidates and officeholders. We direct the Executive Campaign Committee to strongly consider candidates’ support of the Party platform when granting financial or other support.
American English – The Party supports the immediate adoption of American English as the official language of Texas and of the United States of America, while encouraging fluency in additional languages by all citizens. Flag Desecration – The Party views any form of desecration of the American flag as an outward act of disregard for our nation and its people and advocates penalties for such acts.
Christian Nation – The Republican Party of Texas reaffirms the United States of America is a Christian nation, which was founded on fundamental Judeo-Christian principles based on the Holy Bible. We also affirm the right of each individual to worship in the religion of his or her choice. Religion – The Party acknowledges that the church is a God–ordained institution with a sphere of authority separate from that of civil government; thus, churches, synagogues and other places of worship, including home Bible study groups, should not be regulated, controlled, or taxed by any level of civil government, including the Social Security Administration and the Internal Revenue Service. We reclaim freedom of religious expression in public on government property, and freedom from governmental interference. Texas Capitol Chapel – We urge the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House of Representatives to collaborate to release space to restore a chapel to the original Texas Capitol building.
Child Abuse – The Party recognizes that the family is a sovereign sphere of authority over which the state has no right to intervene unless a parent or legal guardian has committed criminal abuse. Child abusers should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; however, we oppose actions of social agencies to classify traditional methods of discipline as child abuse. We support requiring private agencies receiving public funds to comply with state laws requiring the reporting of instances of suspected statutory rape as a condition of receiving those funds.
Free Exercise of Religion – The Party believes all Americans have the right to practice their religious faith free of persecution, intimidation, and violence. We call on Congress to sanction any country that is guilty of persecuting its citizens because of their religious beliefs. Our Party pledges to do everything within its power to restore the original intent of the First Amendment of the United States and dispel the myth of the separation of Church and State. We support the right of individuals and state and local governments to display the Ten Commandments on public property subject to their control.
Campaign Finance Reform – The Party opposes any so–called “campaign finance reform” that restricts free speech, the right to publicize the voting records or positions of public officials, and the amount of individual or Political Action Committee campaign contributions. We support full disclosure of the amounts and sources of these funds.
Downsizing the Federal Government – The Party supports the downsizing of the federal government in order to re-establish states’ rights guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. We further support the abolition of federal agencies involved in activities not delegated to the federal government under the original intent of the Constitution including, but not limited to, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms; the position of Surgeon General; the Environmental Protection Agency; the Departments of Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services, Education, Commerce, and Labor. These authorities should be eliminated or, where needed, transferred to the state or local governments. We also call for the de–funding and abolition of the National Endowment for the Arts.
Minimum Wage – The Party believes the Minimum Wage Law should be repealed and that wages should be determined by the free market conditions prevalent in each individual market.
Federal Tax Reform – The Internal Revenue Service is unacceptable to U. S. taxpayers! The Party urges that the IRS be abolished and the Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution be repealed. We further urge that the personal income tax, inheritance (death) tax, gift tax, capital gains, corporate income tax, and payroll tax be eliminated. We recommend the implementation of a national retail sales tax, with the provision that a two-thirds majority of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate is required to raise the rate. Such reforms will encourage investment and economic growth. Lastly, such a sales tax plan must ensure that no one in America pays taxes of any kind on the necessities of life, ensuring opportunity and quality of life for low- and fixed-income Americans.
State Tax Reform –The Party believes that Texans are overtaxed and strongly urges the legislature to resist the temptation to create any new tax or to increase any current taxes or fees. Specifically, the Party opposes the creation of a state income tax or a state property tax. State Sales Tax Rate Reduction – The State Legislature has consistently spent surplus revenues on new programs and services rather than returning excess tax revenues back to the taxpayers. The Party supports a reduction of the state sales tax rate in order to avoid the temptation to spend the excess funds. Property Taxes – The Republican Party of Texas is in favor of abolishing property taxes. Until ad valorem taxes are abolished, we recommend that property valuations be fixed for a period of not less than three years following each revaluation
Social Security – The Party supports an orderly transition to a system of private pensions based on the concept of individual retirement accounts, and gradually phasing out the Social Security tax. We insist that Social Security benefits be non–taxable. To protect the Social Security System, its funds should not be co– mingled or spent with general revenues or invested in private or public corporate stock. The Party supports Americans being allowed to purchase directly, and hold directly as part of their tax-deferred retirement and educational savings plans, United States Treasury obligations. Those individuals who qualify for Social Security benefits, including school teachers, should receive all of the benefits for which they are eligible without penalty. To protect freedom and privacy, government and private institutions should not require Social Security numbers as ID. Application for Social Security numbers should not be required before the age of consent.
United Nations – The Party believes it is in the best interest of the citizens of the United States that we immediately rescind our membership in, as well as all financial and military contributions to, the United Nations.
The Party urges Congress to evict the United Nations from the United States and eliminate any further participation.
Marriage and Divorce – The Party believes in the sanctity of marriage and that the integrity of this institution should be defended, protected, strengthened, and nurtured at all levels of government. No fault divorce laws have caused untold hardships on American families, by reducing their standard of living, and by harming the emotional and physical well–being of children. It has contributed to an increase in government assistance of all kinds. We call upon the Texas Legislature to rescind no–fault divorce laws. We also oppose the recognition of and granting of benefits to people who represent themselves as domestic partners without being legally married. We urge the immediate passage by the Texas Legislature of the “Defense of Marriage Act”, which would deny recognition by Texas of homosexual “unions” legitimized by other states or nations. Homosexuality – The Party believes that the practice of sodomy tears at the fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown of the family unit, and leads to the spread of dangerous, communicable diseases. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans. Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle in our public education and policy, nor should “family” be redefined to include homosexual “couples.” We are opposed to any granting of special legal entitlements, recognition, or privileges including, but not limited to, marriage between persons of the same sex, custody of children by homosexuals, homosexual partner insurance or retirement benefits. We oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.
Texas Sodomy Statutes – The Party opposes the decriminalization of sodomy.
Pornography – The Party believes, as do the vast majority of Texans, that pornography is repulsive, addictive and contributes to deviant criminal behavior. It exploits men, women, and children and degrades society as a whole. We call upon our governmental bodies to enforce existing laws regarding all forms of pornography in our music, film, telephone, computer, video, cable, Internet, and print industries. We must have more stringent legislation to prohibit access to and generation of pornography including virtual pornography and operation of sexually–oriented businesses. We urge Congress to revisit and rehabilitate the sections of Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996 that were declared overly broad by our courts and return a bill that would protect the children from the onslaught of virtual pornography that is sure to come. We support the efforts of Attorney General John Ashcroft in working with Congress on creating appropriate legislation and applaud his efforts at protecting our children and society.
Middle East – The Party believes that the United States and Israel share a special long–standing relationship based on shared values, a mutual commitment to our republican form of government, and a strategic alliance that benefits both nations. Our foreign policy in the Middle East should reflect the special nature of this relationship through continued military and economic assistance to Israel and recognition that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths. We commend the Republican Congress’ resolution to move the United States embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem. We commend Israel’s privatization of state–owned companies and budget cuts in order to achieve its goal of economic independence. We encourage the Republican Congress’ continuing support for peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. We oppose pressuring Israel to make concessions it believes would jeopardize its security. We support continued sanctions against all “Axis of Evil” countries, as long as they continue in their terrorist activities and are on the State Department’s terrorist list. The Party believes Israel should not have to trade land for recognition of its right to exist. We call on the U.S. to cease recognition of terrorist Yassar Arafat as a Palestinian authority in our Middle East dealings.
Government–Sponsored Gambling – The Party continues to oppose government–sponsored gambling as a means of financing state government. Government–sponsored gambling has had a devastating impact on many Texas families. Moreover, we oppose any further legalization, government facilitation, or financial guarantees relating to any type of gambling including casino, riverboat, slot machine, video keno, eight-liners, and other games of chance. The Party supports the repeal of the state lottery.
Texas Family Bill of Rights –The right of parents to raise their children and to implement their child-rearing philosophies and techniques is a precious right. To preserve this right, only law enforcement officers my remove a child from his home or school when there is an immediate danger to the child’s physical health or safety of the child. All other removals of a child shall be pursuant to a court order. No child my be interviewed by the State without prior notice to the parents, video or audio recording of the interview and the parents’ representative present to observe the interview. A family shall have the right to confront its accuser (no anonymous reporting). Only findings determined in open court and by jury trial may be retained by the State. The parents have the absolute right to appoint an adult to have possession of their child if the State removes the child from the family.
U.S. Department of Education – We call for the abolition of the U. S. Department of Education and the prohibition of the transfer of any of its functions to any other federal agency.
Traditional Values in Education – The Party opposes faculty in public institutions abusing their positions to manipulate students to reject traditional American religious, moral, political and economic values. We support a character education curriculum and a program based upon biblical principles upon which our nation and state law system were founded.
Multiculturalism – The Party supports the voluntary comparative study of all cultures that have created the heritage of the American culture. We oppose ideologically enforced political correctness in the institutions of American society that eliminate the free expression of ideas. We oppose the ideology of multiculturalism that emphasizes differences between racial, ethnic and gender groups leading to a conflict of loyalties and a weakening of a common American identity.
Religious Freedom in Public Schools – Our Founding Fathers based the premise of this nation on God–given rights endowed by our Creator. – The Party affirms President Lincoln’s quote: “It is the duty of nations, as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God and to recognize the sublime truth announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.” The Party urges school administrators and officials to inform Texas school students specifically of their First Amendment rights to pray and engage in religious speech, individually or in groups, on school property without government interference. We support and strongly urge Congress to pass a Religious Freedom Amendment which provides: “Neither the United States nor any State shall prohibit student–sponsored prayer in public schools, nor compose any official student prayer or compel joining therein.” We urge the Texas Legislature to pass legislation similar to the American Heritage Education Acts passed in Kentucky, Indiana, and other states, which end censorship of the discussion of the role of religion in our founding documents, and encourage reading and discussing those documents in our public schools. We support the return of Bibles and other religious books to the shelves of all public schools and libraries.
Scientific Theories – The Party believes that scientific topics, such as the question of universe and life origins and environmental theories, should not be constrained to one opinion or viewpoint. We support the teaching equally of scientific strengths and weaknesses of all scientific theories – as Texas now requires (but has yet to enforce) in public school science course standards. We urge revising all environmental education standards to require this also. We support individual teachers’ right to teach creation science in Texas public schools.
Pledge of Allegiance in Public Schools – The Party believes that students should be taught flag etiquette and should be led in the Pledge of Allegiance, the Texas pledge, the national anthem and patriotic songs on a daily basis so as to ensure that the loyal and patriotic spirit of Texas’ and of America’s past is preserved and passed on to our children
AIDS / HIV – The Party recognizes that the preventable diseases of AIDS and HIV infection represents a threat to human health. We view with compassion all people infected with HIV. We call for appropriate levels of research to find a cure for the disease and ask that the government give full disclosure of the causes. However, because AIDS represents such a severe threat to both the health and economic well–being of our citizens, we insist that the epidemic be de–politicized and that as a society, we take all appropriate steps to protect our citizens from this epidemic. All people, no matter what disease they may contract, are worthy of deep respect as humans. We should, however, love them enough to tell them the truth: Behavior has personal and social consequences. We call upon the United States Public Health Service and all states to declare HIV a “dangerous, yet preventable, infectious, communicable disease.” It should be legally reported in the same manner as any communicable disease. We oppose the needle exchange and bleach kit programs. Americans with Disabilities Act – The Party supports amendment of the Americans with Disabilities Act to exclude from its definition those persons with infectious diseases, substance addiction, learning disabilities, behavior disorders, homosexual practices and mental stress thereby reducing abuse of the Act.
Federal Judiciary Reform – The Party calls on the House of Representatives and the Senate to exercise their authority to impeach and remove federal judges who abuse their constitutional authority. Judicial Restraint – The Party supports the principle of judicial restraint, which requires judges to interpret and apply rather than make the law. We encourage the support of judges who strictly interpret the law based on the law’s original intent. The Party stands strongly against activist judges. Law Enforcement – According to Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, federal law-enforcement powers have criminal jurisdiction limited to the high seas, federal installations, and counterfeiting operations. The Party believes that most crime is local and that the states, according to the Tenth Amendment, reserve law enforcement authority. Implementing this policy would effectively eliminate the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, which we would applaud. Many citizens have become concerned about the expansion of federal lawenforcement authority and the use of military personnel and equipment against its citizens. The rights of American citizens must be respected.
Fiscal Responsibility – The Party urges our state and federal legislators to exercise fiscal responsibility by reducing spending and cutting taxes. We endorse the appointment of a commission comprised of Texas citizens and business owners to identify cost savings and reductions in state government. The Party also supports a “cap” on government spending at all levels (local, state, and federal), adjustable based only on average family income and population growth or decreases.
Balanced Budget – The Party supports full disclosure of all “on” and “off” budget spending. We demand that our federal legislators vote only for balanced budgets, and that the Social Security Fund never be used to balance the budget. In case of a budget surplus, it should never be used to increase spending. We also support zero-based budgeting.
Corporate Welfare/Business Subsidies – The Party does not support governmental subsidies, tariffs, bailouts, or other forms of corporate welfare that are used to protect and preserve businesses or industries that have failed to remain relevant, competitive, and efficient over time. The cost of such corporate welfare becomes the 17 burden of the tax-paying public. The Party encourages our government to allow a free market economy to prevail both domestically and internationally
(and from 2000) Monetary System – The Party calls for the United States monetary system to be returned to the gold standard. Since the Federal Reserve System is a private corporation, has no reserves, and is not subject to taxation or audit, we call on Congress to abolish this institution and reassume its authority, enumerated by Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, for the coinage of money.
Equality of All Citizens – Believing all men are created equal, the Party reasserts itself as the party of Lincoln and deplores all forms of preferences and discrimination based upon religion, race, color, national origin, gender, age, or physically disabling condition. We also deplore forced sensitivity training and urge the repeal of laws and mandates requiring such training. We believe that the Hate Crimes Law is unnecessary, and that it unconstitutionally creates a lower class of victims. We urge that it be repealed immediately.
----------Here is some blatant hypocrisy---------
Elimination of Executive Orders – The Party demands the elimination of presidential authority to issue executive orders, presidential decision directives, and other administrative mandates that do not have congressional approval. Further, we demand a repeal of all previous executive orders and administrative mandates.
Constitutional Convention – The Party opposes a Constitutional Convention or “Conference of the States” to rewrite the United States Constitution. Furthermore, we urge the Texas Legislature to immediately rescind the State’s 1977 vote sent to the United States Congress calling for a Constitutional Convention. We also call upon other states to rescind their votes for a Constitutional Convention.
(Yet in the same platform they suggest modifying the constitution.)
Fair Election Procedures – The Party supports ongoing modifications and strengthening of election laws to assure ballot integrity and fair and impartial elections at all levels of government. Specifically, we support: 1) increased scrutiny and security in balloting by mail; and, 2) prohibition of internet voting and any touch screen voting or other electronic voting which lacks a paper trail; and, 3) prohibition of mobile voting; and, 4) vigorous criminal prosecution by district attorneys or county attorneys for election fraud, and use of jail sentences as a deterrent to violators
Conflicts of Interest – The Party promotes the passing and/or strengthening of local, state, and federal legislation prohibiting the influencing or voting of any publicly elected official or appointee in any matter for which a conflict of interest exists respecting a personal benefit or benefit to a member of that official’s or appointee’s family by blood or marriage. No elected state official should be allowed to represent paid clients before a state agency. We call on the Legislature to pass laws to prohibit this action.
Foreign Military Bases on American Soil – The Party opposes any foreign military base on American soil. We oppose relinquishing United States supremacy to any foreign power on United States soil. We encourage Congress to prohibit all foreign military bases from the United States.