Sad because, with Reagan, dies our last chance to put behind bars the person responsible for Saddam's WMD. But if you go to CNN's main page, you would think a Saint had died. Reagan all over their home page, totally insane.
Can someone list one good thing this man did for common Americans?
His presidency brought nothing but the increase of poverty in the US. It is easy to be optimistic when you spend someone else's money. The national deficit ballooned (and so did personal credit card debt) in the 80s.
His presidency brought nothing but bloodshed to many countries around the globe, Lebanon, Nicaragua, etc. It is easy to be optimistic when someone else is butchered for American corporate profit.
This man in many ways stole the election in 1979 by having his cabal negotiate with terrorists to keep American hostages in Iran longer. Later Reagan implied Aids victims deserved to die. And let's not forget, he trained Bin Laden and financed Noriega.
A Hollywood nothing, he had to wait until his White House years to give the world his most unforgettable performances, but to me he will always remain a lousy, nauseating actor.