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Ivins: CBS News has acquired tapes of Enron employees

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Bluebear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 03:00 PM
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Ivins: CBS News has acquired tapes of Enron employees
Grandma Millie. The nerve of her. Imagine thinking it's wrong to rig a market and overcharge by billions of dollars. But hey, no worries at Enron, because George W. Bush is about to be elected president. (on tape:) "It'd be great. I'd love to see Ken Lay secretary of energy."

"When this election comes, Bush will whack this , man. He won't play this price-cap ."

Bush said obligingly in May 2001, "We will not take any action that makes California's problems worse, and that's why I oppose price caps."

Bush eventually changed course, as he so often does, which adds such special piquancy to his campaign against John Kerry for "flip-flopping."


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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 03:09 PM
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1. another link who no registration
Edited on Sun Jun-06-04 03:12 PM by AZDemDist6

snip> I have no idea where the sad case of Pat Tillman, the patriotic football player, fits into this, but I'd bet it's connected. It takes nothing away from the heroism of Tillman, who gave up a highly remunerative pro football career to serve his country after 9-11, that he is now reported to have been killed by friendly fire. Anyone who was around for Vietnam knows these things happen. The troubling part is the initial story we were fed about how Tillman was killed by the enemy in heroic action in Afghanistan and so was given a posthumous Silver Star. Again, the new information takes nothing away from Tillman, although it does raise some questions about the "elite unit" in which he served.

War is full of tragedy tinged with terrible irony. It's making stuff up afterward for public relations purposes that is so offensive. Jessica Lynch is a classic example.

:wtf: Tillman killed by friendly fire???
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doni_georgia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 03:15 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. That was in the news last week (tillman)
:wtf: Tillman killed by friendly fire??? >>>>>>>>>>

It was in the news last week that Tillman was killed by friendly fire. Don't remember what, but something else pushed it out the news cycle pretty quick.
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