Miles and miles of downed high-voltage power lines. Cable tower after cable tower
broken in exactly the same place. Too precise for airplanes or copters. Special
forces or somebody must have systematically placed explosives on all of them. Is
this why the lights are out in Baghdad? I don't know.
We get reports that many more US soldiers are dying than the Pentagon admits.
Perhaps 5 a day. One of my traveling companions sees four guys drive past our
hotel brandishing a gun. Shortly after, the soldiers show up in their Bradley Fighting
Vehicle and do a sweep of the neighborhood. Darryl Gates couldn't have dreamed
of this kind of aggressive policing. Everyone says to make sure not to dress
anything like a GI, and never to talk to soldiers on the street. I don't know whether
I'd less want to be an Iraqi civilian or an American Soldier.
George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz and Condoleezza Rice and
Tony Blair and Dick Cheney are insane. I don't know what they think they are
doing here, but if it involves order and sanity they have failed miserably and
indefinitely. It's obvious enough from the newspaper accounts but you have to see
it for yourself. They have caused a catastrophe here. The events of the past year
have moved so quickly we tend to forget about the effect of 12 years of economic
sanctions. "The price is worth it?" I don't know what they're going to do, and the
masters of war themselves must be terrified.