After watching this on UK TV I had tears streaming down my face, an amazing and unbelievably sad story which highlights both the worst and best of humanity.
This is a must watch for anyone remotely interested in what happened in Normandy 60 years ago today.
" Path of Forgiveness
On June 6, 1944, the Allies stormed the beaches at Normandy, gaining a tenuous foothold on the shores of France. On a stretch of shoreline the Americans had code-named "Omaha Beach", the Allied forces were subjected to one of the bloodiest battles of the Second World War. For seven hours German private Heinrich Severloh fired at the oncoming invaders, and was credited with killing more troops than any other German soldier. The horrifying estimate is anywhere from 2,000 to 2,500 men in a single day. Like a madman, he fired his machine gun, killing soldiers that, for him, had no names or faces. Except for one. American David E. Silva survived the massacre. Miraculously the two men became friends and met again years later at the notorious Omaha Beach.
Path of Forgiveness airs Sunday, June 6 at 7 pm ET/ 10 pm PT.