's the third one down. Here's the text of it:
After many years of subscribing to the Star-Telegram, I won't renew my subscription.
The media's relentless assault on President Bush is disgusting. The final straw was their obsession with Iraqi prisoner abuse while ignoring positive news of our soldiers' accomplishments. Where are the stories about the economy being the strongest in 20 years? My blood pressure can't take it any more!
So, goodbye, Jim Wright, Molly Ivins and Etta Hulme. So long, Doonesbury, Maureen Dowd and the rest of you liberals. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go hoist my American flag and turn on FOXNews to hear a fair and balanced newscast.
Ah, I can feel my blood pressure going down already.
Cindy Sanders
OH my. Fox news and fair and balanced? If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was really bad satire. But it's for real. Really. I say the paper, almost any paper, is going to provide better, more balanced coverage than FUX news ANYDAY. What's ironic is how she seems to want some balance, but at the same time is sticking her head in the sand. This is what bush supporters have been reduced to. A child with their fingers in their ears screaming, "LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"