Edited on Sun Jun-06-04 09:17 PM by TacticalPeak
Just a heads up. From 6/3/04.
Discussing his book "Battle Ready", with Tom Clancy.
I believe Jim Bohannan is the interviewer.
Forum Battle Ready Smithsonian Associates U.S. Navy Memorial, Theater Washington, District of Columbia (United States) ID: 182131 - 06/03/2004 - 2:00 - No Sale
Clancy, Tom, Author Zinni, Anthony, Special Envoy, Department of State, Middle East Bohannon, Jim, Talk Show Host, Westwood One Radio Networks
Mr. Clancy and General Zinni (ret.) talked about their book, Battle Ready , published by Putnam Publishing Group. In the book, the fourth volume in Mr. Clancy's nonfiction Commander series, the authors chronicle the 40-year career of General Anthony Zinni. Among other assignments, General Zinni did two tours of duty in Vietnam, spent two years as an instructor at the Basic School in the U.S., and served as head of U.S. Central Command. During this discussion, General Zinni also talks about his experiences serving as Secretary of State Colin Powell's special envoy to the Middle East, as well the events leading up to his resignation. Following prepared remarks, the authors responded to questions from the audience.