"Julian Bond, you can talk to Powell or Rice" - the NAACP leader was
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Mon Jun-07-04 07:50 AM
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"Julian Bond, you can talk to Powell or Rice" - the NAACP leader was |
told when he expressed the desite to speak to W (who never met a civil rights leader in al his reign). - as told by Jesse jackson on AAR - Morning Sedition
Hmmm...I wonder what that is. Ya think Bond was concerned about national security or wanted a passport?
That w
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Mon Jun-07-04 07:51 AM
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1. Standard Procedure for the Bush white house... |
Edited on Mon Jun-07-04 07:52 AM by w13rd0
...Condi and Colin seem to always be those put forward when the administration needs to float a lie...wonder why that is...
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:26 PM
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