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Pentagon loses stinger missles

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lanparty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 10:51 AM
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Pentagon loses stinger missles

"Washington -- A still-secret congressional report detailing the Pentagon's inability to account for all of its Stinger shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles is causing consternation on Capitol Hill and raises the specter of terrorists using U.S.-made missiles to shoot down U.S. military or civilian airplanes.

The report by the General Accounting Office, circulating among senior House lawmakers, states that although the Department of Defense is supposed to monitor the end-use of Stingers given or sold to other nations, "DOD has no requirement for keeping records on the number and destinations of these Stingers." The report is also critical of what it describes as toothless multinational anti-missile proliferation efforts. "

Wow, I guess the Bush admin should reconsider putting missle defense systems on commercial airlines. Odds are that these missles were stolen by corrupted personnell and diverted to third parties for profit.

For all we know, Bush may have sent them to terrorists in order to provide more incidents that he can react to. War is the only thing that this president polls well on. And he isn't even good at that.

Somehow, I think that Tenent may have seen this and decided to jump ship. If this gets some play, maybe it will force Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz to resign.

The pattern is clear. Bush is making this a more dangerous world so he can play protector.

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mmm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 11:04 AM
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1. I'm waiting for the next 2-for-1 promotion.
Eventhough there is no free gift-wrapping and you have to bring your own box, that's the time to load up.
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