Edited on Mon Jun-07-04 01:41 PM by vetwife
As this country becomes more and more polarized. It is becoming more and more evident that We the people are standing where people such as Martin Luther King, Jr. has stood. We are standing where Ghandi has stood. We are standing in the midst of a cultural crisis.
What we have learned from the past is that violence begats violence. At the end of the day, it come down to the negotiating table. The left must put aside its anger long enough to keep their eye on the prize of reclaiming their country.
Anger outwardly will not work, but determination clearly shown. We must be willing to take a stand and remain standing to let our voices reach across Corporate greed and fascism, along with racism that has taken on a new meaning. The culture hatred is much more complex than black and white. To think that statement is even possible. But it is. The people who hate for the sake of hating, hate the liberals because not of our skin color as much as our demands for a fair playing field. Today we face intolerance of religions, not only from the right but from the left as well. We face hatred for those who have their sexual orientation that does not embrace others own idealogy. We face the affluent against the poverty stricken. It is my opinion that people hate what not only do they not understand but a reflection of themselves. Those who hate the poor, are afraid of becoming poor or remember when they were. Those who hate different races are afraid or know there may be some interracial blood ties in themselves and fear the truth of other people knowing. Those who hate religions other than either non belief or a different belief are not comfortable with their own right of non belief or afraid of being dominated by a certain idealog. They are afraid of their own ideas of what they deem right and wrong.
To make a difference in this country, this nation of We the People must take a stand and be WILLING to stand for justice for all. We need to quit interfereing in other cultures and forcing our way of life on a global scale. We need to reach out to the poor, the hungry, the imprisoned and free the people from opression of a country that is becoming more and more militarized as we pay the price for a few wealthy for the opression of many. The time has come to Take America Back. For all the People. To have truth shine as a beacon of light and to become a great nation of hope instead of a nation of fear and depravity. We need to stand unified and be willing to be non violent and reclaim this country that can be great and equal, If we are willing. Are you?
Amanda Kato