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What feeds and what starves

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Gold Metal Flake Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 03:02 PM
Original message
What feeds and what starves
The right is noted for it’s open and vociferous hatred of and active suppression of the left. The rise of this extremism has tracked the rise of civil right in this country. The right is no longer able to express openly and vociferously is hatred of non-whites and women of all races. The right is no longer able to openly suppress these people without possible sanction. But, their hatred remains. So naturally, it comes out in politics, where such hatred is tolerated.

When the left engages in the same sort of hatred, it does not hurt the right. On the contrary, it feeds the right. The right takes this hate, turns it around and returns it with greater force. Hate and lies are the specialties of the right. They have no problem using these forces of darkness.

In the realm of truth, the left wins. In truth, the left has an awesome weapon that the right cannot refute or shout down, as long as the truthful message has a format in which to be seen. The right has gone to unprecedented efforts to suppress and open dialog in this country over the last 30 years. Every major media system has been subjugated to the right to prevent open access to the left. Only the Internet exists to allow the left unfettered access to the truth, and to others of their political bent.

Through the Internet, the left has made great advances in furthering honest political discourse. Through the Internet, the lies of the right are revealed and refuted. Through the Internet, powerful voices of dissent are readily available, and available day after day after day. Links are traded, thousands an hour at the speed of light. Liars are exposed, their employers embarrassed. The left has more power and a louder voice than in years past. The left has more strength than in years past. The left has a very good chance of turning around the political direction of this country, unlike in years past.

In the last few days, the left has fed the right a feast of hate. This has not served the cause of the left well. I suggest that the left keep in mind that hate feeds the right, and truth starves the right. Stay on message. Keep to the truth. Seek out the lies and debunk them factually and dispassionately. Starve the oppressors. Suppress your own hatred and anger and keep the long-range goal in mind. Remember, the left must win two branches of government to save all three.

Starve the right.
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Gold Metal Flake Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 08:02 PM
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1. Kick, if I may
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Unperson 309 Donating Member (836 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 09:48 PM
Response to Original message
2. No, Luke, Noooooo... Give IN to the Dark Side!

Feel the hatred coursing through your veins! That's right.... let it wash over you.... Soon you will belong to the Empi... er... I mean soon you will be successful *cough* in your struggle.... We will hav... er... I mean, uh... Oh! Hatred! Right... feeeeeeell the anger.....


:evilgrin: :bounce: :mad: :bounce: :mad: :bounce: :evilgrin:
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